
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/02 18:01:49

Bush , the First time to the White-house

Despite the support rate is the lowest as one of the White House for a second term president, but Bush does not regret the policy of the first term. In his inaugural speech, Bush mentioned 27 times the word democracy. For promoting democracy in the Middle East, Bush said that if someone is still questioned the plan, really "strange." He also banner of promoting democracy in the country, claiming to fight global dictatorship, claiming that the ultimate goal is to "end the tyranny in our world domination." He said that these objectives may not be achieved solely through force, but if necessary, the United States will use force in self-defence and to protect its allies.

Hundreds of people in the war against Iraq next protest activities, and some people held a similar coffin of cartons son, a symbol of the US soldiers killed in Iraq. A slogan that "the worst part of the president, impeachment Bush.Org ", a slogan that Bush was also" war criminals ".