一枝花与铁臂膀 电影:翻译英语短文

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/04 23:10:52
One day a small boy was walking along the street in London.His name was Tom.
It was a cold winter day in 1900.That day he could not have breakfast or lunch.He wanted to buy some bread,but he didn't have any money.His father had been dead when he was very young.His mother was often very ill,so she could not take care of Tom and his brother,Mike.Both of them had to work to help their mother.He was small but his dream was very big.He wanted to be a geat man in the world of film.So he worked very hard to sing and dance well.Then a man came to him and asked,“Will you work for my film?”“Certainly,”he answered.and he did his best in it.Many people said,“We have never seen such an interesting film.”Thirty years later,the boy became famous.He made many more interesting films,and lots of people liked him.

1900年,寒冬里一天的伦敦街头上,一个瘦小的小男孩走在路上,他叫汤姆.当时的他没有吃午餐,饿着肚子,但是他连买面包的钱都没有.当他还很小的时候,父亲就已经过逝了,雪上加霜的是他的母亲也病得很重,别说照顾汤姆和迈克兄弟了,甚至他们可怜的母亲还需要他们兄弟俩的帮助. 虽然汤姆还是个小孩子,但他心中却有着伟大的理想:成为电影界的名人!为了这个理想他努力地练好歌和舞蹈.终于有一天一个绅士对他说:”你愿意给我们拍电影吗?”汤姆高兴极了.回答说:”乐意极了!”于是他投入了他的全部精力进去.许多人看了汤姆的片都说:”从来没有见过这么好看的电影!”三十年过去了,小男孩成了名人,他创作了许多好看的电影,赢得了许多人的喜爱!