
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/05 19:25:35
这种局面的形成,同我国高校信息化建设的特点有很大关系。发达 国家的信息化是实现工业化以后的自然过渡,在高校中推行信息化是顺势而为。而我国工业化的历史使命尚未完成,社会信息基础薄弱,高校信息化建设与其说是基于实际需要不如说是基于上级指示或自身愿望。我国的高校信息化实际上是一种“运动型”的信息化。
客观的说,这种“运动型”的信息化对于短时间内缩小我国与发达国 家高校的信息化差距,在社会信息化基础薄弱的基础上发展大学信息化是有好处的。我国高校信息化近十年来发展如此迅猛,“运动型”的性质功不可没。但“运动型”最大的副作用便是导致高校不切实际地盲目投资,一哄而上。以校园网的建设为例,随着“科教兴国”国策的贯彻落实和 “211 工程”的展开,许多高校斥巨资兴建校园网络,由于缺乏总体设计,建成后的校园网随即面临系统升级和设备更新改造。
几乎所有的学校都存在这个问题,这一现象也可以俗称为“军阀割据”,是指全校的信息化建设得不到统一的规划,各院、系、职能机构在信息化建设方面各自为战。不但导致了校内大量的低水平重复建设、资金浪费严重,还造成各部门所采用的软件系统不一致、数据标准不统一,在全校范围内人为地形成了一个个的信息孤岛。在这一点上,北京师范大学正是深受校园网建设缺乏统一规划之苦:北师大的校内科研网接入的是教育网,但学生宿舍和家属楼却分别有两家不同的公司作的系统集成上的是电信网。三网互不相通,给教学、科研带来了极大的麻烦。 2.33耗资巨大资金利用效率不高
高等院校信息化建设是一项耗资巨大的工程。光是对校园网建设的投资,北京大学就已达 5000 多万元人民币,北京邮电大学早期同邮电部合作开办 远程教育时,投资也达 4000 万元之巨。巨额的建设投资以外,高校信息 系统的维护也是一笔不小的费用。中国人民大学在每年花在设备的维护更新、人才的培养等方面的费用大约为 500 万左右。这与信息化巨大投资相并列的是教育信息化的非赢利性。与企业信息化不同,教育信息化追求的是社会效益和长远利益——如对学生综合素质的提高、对学校科研实力的促进等等。因此,对各高校来说,信息化建设已成为了一个吞噬资金的巨大“黑洞”,如何维持高校信息化的持续投入成了一个大难题。
三 导致我国高校信息化困境的深层次原因
高校的信息化建设应遵循总体规划设计的原则,在综合考虑学校信息化建设的现状与需求的基础上,从全局和整体的高度规划学校信息化 建设的方针、策略、发展规划与实施计划,全面考虑硬件环境建设、应用系统建设、管理规范建设和支持机制建设。做好总体规划是搞好高校信息化的关键,可以说前面提到的种种问题,大多与缺乏科学、全面的总体规划有关系。总体规划的制定不是一件简单的事情,它需要在充分了解学校的信息化现状、需求,特别是 学校发展对于信息化的需求的基础上,结合 IT 技术的发展形势做出科学全面的规划。事实上目前很多高校不成功的规划就是没有综合考虑这些问题。

2.31Lack the blind investment of overall design
The forming of this kind of situation, there are relations greatly with characteristics of university's information construction of our country. The informationization of the developed country realizes the natural transition after industrialization, pursue informationization to it takes advantage of a situation to be and among university. Our country's industrialized historical mission has not been finished yet, the social information foundation is weak , university instead of information construction based on actual need based on instructions from the higher level or one's own hope saying. The informationization of university of our country is the informationization of a kind of " sports type " in fact.
The objective one says, the informationization of " sports type " dwindle our country and developed country information-based disparity of university to short time, the informationization of development university is beneficial on the basis that society's information-based foundation is weak . Of our country university informationization develop so swift and violent in the past ten years, property of " sports type " perform meritorious deeds never to be obliterated. But " sports type " loud side effect to lead to the fact the university makes the investment blindly impractically most, jump on the bandwagon. Take construction of campus network as an example, the implementation of state basic policy and expansion of " 211 projects " with " revitalizing the nation through science and education ", a lot of universities furnish a huge amount of money for building campus network, because of lacking the overall design, campus network after building up faced the system to upgrade and renovate with the apparatus immediately . 2.32 internal construction which lack systematic planning
2.32Lack the internal construction of systematic planning
Nearly all schools all have this problem, this phenomenon also may be named as "division of the country among warlords", is refers to the entire school the information construction not to be able to obtain the unification the plan, various courtyards, the department, the function organization in information construction aspect each one are a war. Not only has caused in the school the massive low levels building redundant project, the fund waste serious, but also creates the software system which various departments uses not to be inconsistent, the data standard is not unified, artificial has formed a each one information isolated island in the entire school scope. In this point, the Beijing normal university is precisely is deeply lacked the campus net construction pain of the unified plan: In the school the scientific research network turns on educates the net, but the student's dormitory and the family member building actually respectively have in the system integration which two different companies does is a telecommunication network. Three nets mutually are not interlinked, for the teaching, the scientific research brought the enormous trouble 2.33 to spend the huge fund use efficiency not to be high
The information construction of institution of higher learning is a costly project. Only investment in construction of campus network, Peking University has already been up to 5000 more than ten thousand yuan , when Beijing University of Post & Telecommunication cooperates with Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and runs the teleeducation in early days, the ones that made the investment and reached 4000 ten thousand yuan too are huge . Beyond huge construction investment, the maintenance of university's information system is a sum of big expenses too. The People's University of China spend maintenance newer , cultivation of talent ,etc. in apparatus expenses of respect 500 ten thousand about probably in every year. It is nonprofitable that these one that invested standing side by side with informationization enormously is education informatization. Different from enterprise's informationization, what the education informatization is pursued is social benefit and long-term interest - -For instance to improvement of student's overall qualities , promotion of the scientific research capability of the school ,etc.. So, for every university, information construction has already become an enormous " black hole " which engulfs the fund, how keep university absorbed a loud difficult problem continuously of informationization.
三 Profound reason which causes university's information-based predicament of our country
Ubiquitous subject problem described above in present university's information construction, it is in fact only a surface of the question, the reason to really determine these phenomena lies in aspects such as guidelines of university's information construction and university's management system of our country ,etc..
3.1Scheme question
The information construction of the university should follow the principle of overall planning and design , on the basis of considering current situation and demand of information construction of the school synthetically, information construction policy , tactics , developing the plan of plan and implementation of planning school from the standing of the overall situation and the whole , consider that builds and supports mechanism's construction in environmental construction of the hardware , application system construction , standardard management in an all-round way. It is the key to doing university's informationization well to do a good job of master plan, all sorts of above-mentioned questions that we can say, mostly have relations with lacking science , overall master plan. The formulation of master plan is not anything simple, it needs to fully find out about the information-based current situation , demand of the school, especially the school develops to on the foundation of the informationalized demand, make the planning with overall science in development situation of combining IT technology. In fact the unsuccessful planning of a lot of universities is not to consider these questions synthetically at present.

这种局面的形成,同我国高校信息化建设的特点有很大关系。发达 国家的信息化是实现工业化以后的自然过渡,在高校中推行信息化是顺势而为。而我国工业化的历史使命尚未完成,社会信息基础薄弱,高校信息化建设与其说是基于实际需要不如说是基于上级指示或自身愿望。我国的高校信息化实际上是一种“运动型”的信息化。
客观的说,这种“运动型”的信息化对于短时间内缩小我国与发达国 家高校的信息化差距,在社会信息化基础薄弱的基础上发展大学信息化是有好处的。我国高校信息化近十年来发展如此迅猛,“运动型”的性质功不可没。但“运动型”最大的副作用便是导致高校不切实际地盲目投资,一哄而上。以校园网的建设为例,随着“科教兴国”国策的贯彻落实和 “211 工程”的展开,许多高校斥巨资兴建校园网络,由于缺乏总体设计,建成后的校园网随即面临系统升级和设备更新改造。
2.31Lack the blind investment of overall design
The forming of this kind of situation, there are relations greatly with characteristics of university's information construction of our country. The informationization of the developed country realizes the natural transition after industrialization, pursue informationization to it takes advantage of a situation to be and among university. Our country's industrialized historical mission has not been finished yet, the social information foundation is weak , university instead of information construction based on actual need based on instructions from the higher level or one's own hope saying. The informationization of university of our country is the informationization of a kind of " sports type " in fact.
The objective one says, the informationization of " sports type " dwindle our country and developed country information-based disparity of university to short time, the informationization of development university is beneficial on the basis that society's information-based foundation is weak . Of our country university informationization develop so swift and violent in the past ten years, property of " sports type " perform meritorious deeds never to be obliterated. But " sports type " loud side effect to lead to the fact the university makes the investment blindly impractically most, jump on the bandwagon. Take construction of campus network as an example, the implementation of state basic policy and expansion of " 211 projects " with " revitalizing the nation through science and education ", a lot of universities furnish a huge amount of money for building campus network, because of lacking the overall design, campus network after building up faced the system to upgrade and renovate with the apparatus immediately . 2.32 internal construction which lack systematic planning
几乎所有的学校都存在这个问题,这一现象也可以俗称为“军阀割据”,是指全校的信息化建设得不到统一的规划,各院、系、职能机构在信息化建设方面各自为战。不但导致了校内大量的低水平重复建设、资金浪费严重,还造成各部门所采用的软件系统不一致、数据标准不统一,在全校范围内人为地形成了一个个的信息孤岛。在这一点上,北京师范大学正是深受校园网建设缺乏统一规划之苦:北师大的校内科研网接入的是教育网,但学生宿舍和家属楼却分别有两家不同的公司作的系统集成上的是电信网。三网互不相通,给教学、科研带来了极大的麻烦。 2.33耗资巨大资金利用效率不高
高等院校信息化建设是一项耗资巨大的工程。光是对校园网建设的投资,北京大学就已达 5000 多万元人民币,北京邮电大学早期同邮电部合作开办 远程教育时,投资也达 4000 万元之巨。巨额的建设投资以外,高校信息 系统的维护也是一笔不小的费用。中国人民大学在每年花在设备的维护更新、人才的培养等方面的费用大约为 500 万左右。这与信息化巨大投资相并列的是教育信息化的非赢利性。与企业信息化不同,教育信息化追求的是社会效益和长远利益——如对学生综合素质的提高、对学校科研实力的促进等等。因此,对各高校来说,信息化建设已成为了一个吞噬资金的巨大“黑洞”,如何维持高校信息化的持续投入成了一个大难题。
2.32Lack the internal construction of systematic planning
Nearly all schools all have this problem, this phenomenon also may be named as "division of the country among warlords", is refers to the entire school the information construction not to be able to obtain the unification the plan, various courtyards, the department, the function organization in information construction aspect each one are a war. Not only has caused in the school the massive low levels building redundant project, the fund waste serious, but also creates the software system which various departments uses not to be inconsistent, the data standard is not unified, artificial has formed a each one information isolated island in the entire school scope. In this point, the Beijing normal university is precisely is deeply lacked the campus net construction pain of the unified plan: In the school the scientific research network turns on educates the net, but the student's dormitory and the family member building actually respectively have in the system integration which two different companies does is a telecommunication network. Three nets mutually are not interlinked, for the teaching, the scientific research brought the enormous trouble 2.33 to spend the huge fund use efficiency not to be high
The information construction of institution of higher learning is a costly project. Only investment in construction of campus network, Peking University has already been up to 5000 more than ten thousand yuan , when Beijing University of Post & Telecommunication cooperates with Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and runs the teleeducation in early days, the ones that made the investment and reached 4000 ten thousand yuan too are huge . Beyond huge construction investment, the maintenance of university's information system is a sum of big expenses too. The People's University of China spend maintenance newer , cultivation of talent ,etc. in apparatus expenses of respect 500 ten thousand about probably in every year. It is nonprofitable that these one that invested standing side by side with informationization enormously is education informatization. Different from enterprise's informationization, what the education informatization is pursued is social benefit and long-term interest - -For instance to improvement of student's overall qualities , promotion of the scientific research capability of the school ,etc.. So, for every university, information construction has already become an enormous " black hole " which engulfs the fund, how keep university absorbed a loud difficult problem continuously of informationization.
三 导致我国高校信息化困境的深层次原因
三 Profound reason which causes university's information-based predicament of our country
Ubiquitous subject problem described above in present university's information construction, it is in fact only a surface of the question, the reason to really determine these phenomena lies in aspects such as guidelines of university's information construction and university's management system of our country ,etc..
高校的信息化建设应遵循总体规划设计的原则,在综合考虑学校信息化建设的现状与需求的基础上,从全局和整体的高度规划学校信息化 建设的方针、策略、发展规划与实施计划,全面考虑硬件环境建设、应用系统建设、管理规范建设和支持机制建设。做好总体规划是搞好高校信息化的关键,可以说前面提到的种种问题,大多与缺乏科学、全面的总体规划有关系。总体规划的制定不是一件简单的事情,它需要在充分了解学校的信息化现状、需求,特别是 学校发展对于信息化的需求的基础上,结合 IT 技术的发展形势做出科学全面的规划。事实上目前很多高校不成功的规划就是没有综合考虑这些问题。
3.1Scheme question
The information construction of the university should follow the principle of overall planning and design , on the basis of considering current situation and demand of information construction of the school synthetically, information construction policy , tactics , developing the plan of plan and implementation of planning school from the standing of the overall situation and the whole , consider that builds and supports mechanism's construction in environmental construction of the hardware , application system construction , standardard management in an all-round way. It is the key to doing university's informationization well to do a good job of master plan, all sorts of above-mentioned questions that we can say, mostly have relations with lacking science , overall master plan. The formulation of master plan is not anything simple, it needs to fully find out about the information-based current situation , demand of the school, especially the school develops to on the foundation of the informationalized demand, make the planning with overall science in development situation of combining IT technology. In fact the unsuccessful planning of a lot of universities is not to consider these questions synthetically at present.

2.31 lacks the system design the blind investment this kind of aspect formation, has the very big relations with our country universities information construction characteristic. The developed country information realizes the industrialization later nature transition, will carry out the information in the universities is takes advantage of opportunity but is. But our country industrialization historical mission not yet completes, the social information foundation is weak, the universities information construction if said is based on the actual need was inferior to said is based on the instruction from superiors or own desire. Our country universities information is in fact one kind "sports type " information. Objective saying, this kind "sports type " the information reduces our country and the developed country universities's information disparity regarding the short time in, develops the university information in the social information foundation weak foundation to have the advantage. Our country universities information in the recent ten years develop so swiftly and violently, "sports type " the nature has lasting achievements. But "sports type " the biggest side effect then causes the universities impractically blind investment, rushes headlong into mass action. Take the campus net construction as an example, while "rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation" national policy implementation realization and "211 projects" launching, many universities reprimand the large amount of money to construct the campus network, because lacks the system design, completes after the campus net to face the system promotion and the equipment immediately renews the transformation. 2.32 lacks the system plan internal construction nearly all schools all to have this problem, this phenomenon also may be named as "division of the country among warlords", is refers to the entire school the information construction not to be able to obtain the unification the plan, various courtyards, the department, the function organization in information construction aspect each one are a war. Not only has caused in the school the massive low levels building redundant project, the fund waste serious, but also creates the software system which various departments uses not to be inconsistent, the data standard is not unified, artificial has formed a each one information isolated island in the entire school scope. In this point, the Beijing normal university is precisely is deeply lacked the campus net construction pain of the unified plan: In the school the scientific research network turns on educates the net, but the student's dormitory and the family member building actually respectively have in the system integration which two different companies does is a telecommunication network. Three nets mutually are not interlinked, for the teaching, the scientific research has brought the enormous trouble. 2.33 spends the huge fund not to be high using the efficiency and so on the colleges and universities information construction is an item spends the huge project. The light was the investment which constructed to the campus net, the Beijing University has amounted to more than 50 million Yuan, the Beijing posts and telecommunications university early time when cooperated with Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication sets up the distance learning, the investment also amounts to 40 million Yuan to be great. Outside the large amount construction investment, the universities information system maintenance also is a not small expense. Chinese People's University renews, talented person's aspect the and so on raise in every year flower in the equipment maintenance expense probably is about 5000000. This compound educates the information non- earning capacity with the information huge investment. Is different with the enterprise information, educates the information pursue is the social efficiency and the long-term benefits like to the student synthesizes quality enhancement, to school scientific research strength promotion and so on. Therefore, said to various universities, the information construction has become to swallow the fund hugeness "black hole", how maintained the universities information to continue to invest a big difficult problem. Three causes our country universities information difficult position in the deep level reason current universities information construction the universal existence above main question, actually is only the question surface, truly decided these phenomena the reason lies in the universities information construction the guiding ideology and stratification plane and so on our country universities management system. 3.1 plans questions universities's information construction should follow the overall plan design the principle, in the synthesis considered the school information construction the present situation and in the demand foundation, from the overall situation and the whole high plan school information construction policy, the strategy, the development plan and the action program, comprehensively considers the hardware environment construction, the application system construction, the management standard construction and the support mechanism construction. Completes the overall plan does well the universities information key, may say as mentioned earllier all sorts of questions, mostly with scientifically lack, the comprehensive overall plan related department. The overall plan formulation is not a simple matter, it needs in the full understanding school information present situation, the demand, specially the school development regarding in the information demand foundation, to unify the IT technology the development situation to make the science comprehensive plan. In fact at present the very many universities not successful plan is does not have the synthesis to consider these questions.

2.31 lacks the system design the blind investment this kind of aspect formation, has the very big relations with our country universities information construction characteristic. The developed country information realizes the industrialization later nature transition, will carry out the information in the universities is takes advantage of opportunity but is. But our country industrialization historical mission not yet completes, the social information foundation is weak, the universities information construction if said is based on the actual need was inferior to said is based on the instruction from superiors or own desire. Our country universities information is in fact one kind "sports type " information. Objective saying, this kind "sports type " the information reduces our country and the developed country universities's information disparity regarding the short time in, develops the university information in the social information foundation weak foundation to have the advantage. Our country universities information in the recent ten years develop so swiftly and violently, "sports type " the nature has lasting achievements. But "sports type " the biggest side effect then causes the universities impractically blind investment, rushes headlong into mass action. Take the campus net construction as an example, while "rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation" national policy implementation realization and "211 projects" launching, many universities reprimand the large amount of money to construct the campus network, because lacks the system design, completes after the campus net to face the system promotion and the equipment immediately renews the transformation. 2.32 lacks the system plan internal construction nearly all schools all to have this problem, this phenomenon also may be named as "division of the country among warlords", is refers to the entire school the information construction not to be able to obtain the unification the plan, various courtyards, the department, the function organization in information construction aspect each one are a war. Not only has caused in the school the massive low levels building redundant project, the fund waste serious, but also creates the software system which various departments uses not to be inconsistent, the data standard is not unified, artificial has formed a each one information isolated island in the entire school scope. In this point, the Beijing normal university is precisely is deeply lacked the campus net construction pain of the unified plan: In the school the scientific research network turns on educates the net, but the student's dormitory and the family member building actually respectively have in the system integration which two different companies does is a telecommunication network. Three nets mutually are not interlinked, for the teaching, the scientific research has brought the enormous trouble. 2.33 spends the huge fund not to be high using the efficiency and so on the colleges and universities information construction is an item spends the huge project. The light was the investment which constructed to the campus net, the Beijing University has amounted to more than 50 million Yuan, the Beijing posts and telecommunications university early time when cooperated with Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication sets up the distance learning, the investment also amounts to 40 million Yuan to be great. Outside the large amount construction investment, the universities information system maintenance also is a not small expense. Chinese People's University renews, talented person's aspect the and so on raise in every year flower in the equipment maintenance expense probably is about 5000000. This compound educates the information non- earning capacity with the information huge investment. Is different with the enterprise information, educates the information pursue is the social efficiency and the long-term benefits like to the student synthesizes quality enhancement, to school scientific research strength promotion and so on. Therefore, said to various universities, the information construction has become to swallow the fund hugeness "black hole", how maintained the universities information to continue to invest a big difficult problem. Three causes our country universities information difficult position in the deep level reason current universities information construction the universal existence above main question, actually is only the question surface, truly decided these phenomena the reason lies in the universities information construction the guiding ideology and stratification plane and so on our country universities management system. 3.1 plans questions universities's information construction should follow the overall plan design the principle, in the synthesis considered the school information construction the present situation and in the demand foundation, from the overall situation and the whole high plan school information construction policy, the strategy, the development plan and the action program, comprehensively considers the hardware environment construction, the application system construction, the management standard construction and the support mechanism construction. Completes the overall plan does well the universities information key, may say as mentioned earllier all sorts of questions, mostly with scientifically lack, the comprehensive overall plan related department. The overall plan formulation is not a simple matter, it needs in the full understanding school information present situation, the demand, specially the school development regarding in the information demand foundation, to unify the IT technology the development situation to make the science comprehensive plan. In fact at present the very many universities not successful plan is does not have the synthesis to consider these questions.