
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/02 20:25:59
1、Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will ___ fresh for several days.
A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed

2、Roman Empire ___ for centuries.
A. has existed B. existed C. had existed D. get existed

3、Many years ago, Jane ___ in the flat with her grandma for a long period of time.
A. had been living B. had lived
C. has been living D. lived

三句都用过去式,但我不明白得是for 加一段时间不是要用现在完成时吗?

1.B 是将来的事情,还没有把肉放入冰箱. 看一个句子:He has taught English for five years. 那表示他已经教英语5年了, He will teach English for five years. 他还没有开始教,准备教5年.
2.B 现在完成时表示动作持续到现在,罗马帝国已经灭亡了. 比较:He's lived here for thirty years. 他已经在这里住了30年了(现在还住着) ;He lived here for thirty years.他在这里住了30年.(有可能是1880--1910年,现在已经不住了).
3.D 二题一样,而且有ago,一定要用过去时.

1、Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will ___ fresh for several days.
A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed
B stay用作系动词,意思是保持。意思是可能保持新鲜几天。

2、Roman Empire ___ for centuries.
A. has existed B. existed C. had existed D. get existed
B, 罗马帝国存在了几个世纪,这是过去的事,所以用过去时态。

3、Many years ago, Jane ___ in the flat with her grandma for a long period of time.
A. had been living B. had lived
C. has been living D. lived
D这个和上一个一样,过去时间发生的动作用过去时态。前面有Many years ago这个时间状语。

第一句,根据语感,确实用stay 原形,但后面的for several days好象要作怪,完成时态的标志是for +时间段,或since +时间点,所以选D
第二句话,仍然根据完成时态的标志for +时间段,或since +时间点
你只看到了 many years ago ,这的确是过去时态标志
但看最后还有 for a long period of time ,这要用完成时态
既,在many years ago 这个时间点,live 这个动作还在继续或有往下延续的趋势