
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/17 23:34:31
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1.snakehead fish
A snakehead fish is a large, predatory freshwater fish native to Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other parts of Asia. There are 28 varieties of snakehead fish. The snakehead is imported to the U.S. as a food fish and also for the aquarium trade where many thousands are sold every year as pets.

The snakehead fish is unique in several ways from most other fish. Similar in body-type to a muscular eel, some varieties can grow to 4 feet (1.2m) in length. The snakehead has a flat snake-like head and toothed maw, hence it's name. What makes the snakehead so unique, however, is its voracious appetite and its ability to breathe air. In fact the snakehead can travel short distances across land and live for up to three days out of water! It will eat fish equal in size to itself and will consume small mammals as well. There are even reports in Asia of snakeheads attacking and killing humans.

The northern snakehead is extremely adaptable to various climates including cold waters, and like all snakeheads, breeds easily. Adaptability, carnivorous appetitive, lack of natural enemies and ability to transverse land, makes the northern snakehead a real threat to U.S. waterways and indigenous species of fish and amphibians. Tropical and subtropical breeds of snakeheads can pose an additional threat to warmer waterways like those in Florida and Hawaii.

2.Fly fishing is a type of fishing that involves using an artificial fly. It is different from traditional fishing methods in that fly anglers cast a hook that generally has bits of feather, fur, foam, yarn, or other similar material attached using thread to form what is referred to as a'fly', as opposed to using worms or other bait.

The best known and classic form of fly fishing is what is known as dry fly fishing. The fisherman uses an artificial fly, which he casts so that it will float on the water. The fly will pass over the fish, which will hopefully rise up and bite it. The fisherman then tries to control the fish's attempts to escape, tiring it enough to bring it in to be retrieved from the water with a landing net. Many anglers prefer this type of fly fishing because everything can be seen - the angler casts at a fish he can see, the fly is easily visible on the surface of the water, and he can see the fish take the fly. The only drawback to this is that trout and other fish tend to feed underwater, and therefore are not as likely to come up to take a dry fly.

The second form of fly fishing is what is known as nymph fishing. When the flies lay eggs in the river or lake, the eggs hatch out as nymphs, which make their way to the surface, where they hatch into a fly. Therefore, nymph fishing utilizes imitations of different nymphs that are weighted to stay below the surface of the water. This type of fishing is often considered more challenging, as all the action takes place beneath the surface.

While most types of fish can be caught on a fly, the most common are the trout, salmon, chars, and most game fish. Trout are by far the most popular, since trout feed and live in shallow waters and eat small insects.

Fly fishing has become an increasingly popular sport, and most anglers will agree that it's not just about catching fish. Some anglers would even regard fly fishing as a kind of religion, and most consider it a relaxing pastime that can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life. It also appeals to the more environmentally conscious, as it is less harmful to the fish than many other techniques, and most anglers return their catch.
3. Betta fish
Betta Splendens is the scientific name for a small, colorful freshwater tropical fish known as a betta, beta, or the Siamese fighting fish. Bettas are originally from Asia, however, the colorful varieties in the pet stores are bred locally.

Bettas are probably one of the most recognized fish in the aquarium trade, often sold in tiny cups of water, stacked on shelves, side-by-side. This controversial and hotly debated practice is thought to be inhumane by many hobbyists, despite the fact that the betta is a quite extraordinary fish that takes most of its oxygen from the surface, thereby able to exist in oxygen depleted water.

The male betta is a long-finned colorful and graceful looking fish with an upturned mouth. Its crepe-like fins and 3-inch (7 centimeters) body can be deep red, blue, or nearly any combination of colors. The female fish of the species has shorter fins and is often less colorful. Females may be kept together, but males will fight to the death. For this reason only one male betta can be kept in an aquarium, though it can be kept with other species of fish or other betta females.

In Asia, bettas are found in organically polluted shallow rice paddies and slow moving rivers. Their upturned mouths are perfect for eating insects from the surface. In captivity they eat frozen bloodworms, flakes, and other prepared diets, but prefer live foods.

Bettas are easily bred in captivity. First, the male builds a bubble-nest at the surface signaling his readiness to mate. Once the female lays eggs, the male scoops the eggs up into his mouth and spits them into the bubble nest. The male will tend the nest until the young bettas hatch. He must be separated shortly thereafter to prevent him from eating the fry.

Bettas prefer warm temperatures of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius), and slightly acid to neutral water. And while the betta can breathe oxygen and survive in non-ideal conditions for a period of time, it is neither humane nor advantageous to keep a betta in a bowl or small container without heat and filtration. A small tank of 10 gallons (38 liters), heater and filter, is negligible in price and will be repaid many times over by the enjoyment derived from a fish well kept. In this minimal environment a betta will thrive happily with improved coloration and temperament. A tank of this size also has the added advantage of allowing your betta a few friends. Just remember to avoid fish that are fin-nippers!

Kept in ideal conditions, bettas can live 2-3 years. Though this might sound like a rather brief life span, there are few fish more beautiful, or that give more pleasure, than the exotic Betta Splendens.

Clown fish are colourful, cute and sometimes amusing inhabitants of tropical reefs from several places around the world, including the Great Barrier Reef. They are a hardy fish, and with the proper aquarium and care, can be safely kept in the home for many years.
Clown fish like "Nemo" are usually 2-8cm long. They have an unusual symbiotic relationship with sea anemone in the wild. While other fish may be stung and killed by the anemone's tentacles, Clown fish are immune, living amongst the tentacles. They feed on the anemone's leftovers, and can even bring it food. They are social fish, and as such it is recommended that at least two are kept in aquariums.

In the past, Clown fish for aquariums have always been caught in the wild from the reef. Today there are several Clown fish farms around Australia. It is strongly recommended that anyone wishing to keep Clown fish in a home aquarium insist upon aquacultured, or captive bred Clown fish. Captive bred fish do not create an impact on the natural environment, they are healthier and hardier, there is little chance you will buy them diseased or sick, and they are not fussy eaters.


what kind of fish?