先帝称之曰能的之意思:so ....as 中间可以加名词吗

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/02 17:59:16

Try to make as few mistakes as possible.CN
Take as much time as you need.UN

不可以 so接形容词或副词


1) 同级比较往往由"as + 形容词/ 副词的原形 + as"的句式表达;当然也要注意它的否定形式、以及在第一个as前加倍数或程度副词的情况。
2)"比较级 + than"引导不同级的比较。"比较级" 前同样可以加倍数或程度副词。另外"no more …than"意思是"A和B一样不……" 。
3) 形容词的最高级前一般必须有定冠词the;但是也有不加定冠词the的几种情况。
4) 要注意几种比较级的特殊句型,如:"the + 比较级…,the + 比较级……",意思是"越……越……";以及"比较级 + and + 比较级"意思是"越来越…",等。

英文中的形容词和副词一般都有三种级的形式即:原级(The Positive Degree),比较级(The Comparative Degree)和最高级(The Superlative Degree)。

1) 同级比较中有两种情况:
# 表示双方情况"一模一样",用as + 原级 + as的结构;
# 表示双方情况"不(那么)一样",用not so / as + 原级 + as的结构。在这两种结构中,第一个as是副词,而第二个as是连词;在第二个as的后面接名词、句子或代词的主格(一般不要接代词的宾格)。例如:
My parcel is as heavy as yours . 我的包裹与他的一样沉。
Arther calculates as accurately as a calculator.阿瑟象计算器一样计算精确。
His bedroom is not as neat as his sister's. 他的寝室没有他姐姐的整洁。
It is not so hot as yesterday. 今天不象昨天那么热。
I can't speak English as fast as a native speaker. 我说英文没有以英语为母语的人说得快。

2)另外,在as … as 的结构中,第一个as的前面可以加上表示倍数的词、或是某些副词修饰语:twice , ( three ) times , nearly , almost , just , exactly , not nearly(根本不), by no means(绝不), quite 等等。例如:
Asia is four tomes as large as Europe. 亚洲有欧洲的四倍大(亚洲比欧洲大三倍)。
James is not nearly as tall as Robert. 詹姆斯根本没有罗伯特高。
Cast iron is almost as useful as steel. 铸铁差不多与钢一样有作用。
She hasn't been quite so unlucky as she pretends. 她还没有象她常装出的那样不幸。

3) 在as … as 的结构中,我们还常见这样两种句型:as much + 不可数名词 + as 和as many + 复数可数名词 + as 。例如:
She spread as much butter on her bread as Jane usually does. 她在面包上涂的黄油与琼通常涂的一样多。
He has learned as many English words as his brother (has ) . 他已学了和他哥哥一样多的英文单字。

4)不同级的比较主要用表示于人与人、事物与事物之间不同之处的比较,其意义为"A比B更(怎么样)一些"。常用的结构是比较级 + than 。例如:
They worked even harder than they promised. 他们工作得比他们答应的还要卖力。
This street is narrower than that one. 这条街比那条街窄一些。

5) 在比较级 + than的结构前可以加上某些副词类和表示倍数的词,以对其进行修饰,如:far(远),even(甚至),much(许多),still(更,还),a lot(许多),a little / bit(一点),rather(相当地),slightly(略微),not any(不再),three times …(三倍、……),等等。例如:
This book is far more interesting than that one. 这本书比那一本有趣多了。
You've been working much harder than I have. 你一直比我工作得努力多了。
She came even earlier than I asked (him to). 她来得甚至比我叫她来的时间还要早。

6) 比较级中的两个特殊作用的结构是:The + 比较级 + 句子,the + 比较级 + 句子 。和 比较级+ and + 比较级 。前一个句型结构表示的意义是"越(怎么样就)越(怎么样)",在这个结构中的两个"比较级"不要求一定词性相同,它们各自的词性要依句子的需要而定;后一个句型结构表示的意义是"越来越(怎么样)",在这个结构中的两个 "比较级"则要求词性相同。例如:
The harder you work at your study, the better academic records you will have. 你学习越努力,你的成绩就越好。
The more we have, the more we want. 人欲无穷。
When winter is coming , it gets colder and colder .冬天来临之际,天越来越冷了。
He became less and less satisfied with the football team's performance. 他对足球队的表现越来越不满意了。

7) 没有比较对象的比较结构。所谓没有比较对象的比较结构不是指省略而言,而是指并非真正的比较。例如:
The car runs faster than 110 miles. 那辆车时速为110多英里。
There is more than one solution to the problem. 这个问题的解决办法不止一个。
The daily cost in an average hospital in the United States can run as high as $250 . 在美国普通医院的每天的费用可高达250美元。

8) 用比较级的形式表达最高级的意思。在这种情况下,往往是将一个人或是一件事与其他所有的人或事相比较。做这种句子时有一点要特别注意--别忘了常在比较状语中用any ,other , else类的字眼,以将比较主体排除在比较对象以外,因为自己不可以与自己相比较。例如:
He is taller than anyone else in our class. 他在我们班比其他任何都高。
Iron is more useful than any other metals. 铁比其他任何金属更有作用。

9) no + 比较级 + than的结构表示"A和B一样不……"。例如:
She runs no faster than her sister. 她与她妹妹一样跑不快。
Tom is no wiser than John. 汤姆和约翰一样没有聪明才智。
He is no richer than his brother. 他与他弟弟一样不富有。


在表达一方是另一方的若干倍时,常用如下表达方式:(1)“……倍数+as+adj./adv.(原级)+ as……”,在两个as之间可用many(修饰可数名词),much(修饰不可数名词)和其它相应的词。(2)“……倍数+adj./adv.(比较级)+than……”(3)“……倍数+the size /height/length /weight/ width /depth……+of+the+名词”。

1. There are more than twice ______ five years ago.
a. as many books as
b. many books as

在下句中twice as many...as前后要一致,more than 修饰twice.
2. We are eating _______ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.
A.more than twice
B.as twice as many
C.twice as many as
D.more than twice as many

3)After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced __ tractors in 1988 as the year before.
A.as twice many
B.as many twice
C.twice as many
D.twice many as