
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 04:50:37
He helped spoke O'Neill(美财政部长)'s most sweeping proposal-making it easier to sue execs and directors-but came back with some stiff penalties that could dissuade top officers from playing numbers games."Harvey likes to say that you have to listen to both the words and the music,"says Tom.


另外我查了字典,“music”还当“激烈的辩论”讲,在这里“the words and the music”是什么意思呢??


唉,第一句话令我头疼了半天,最后才发现He helped spoke实际上应该是He helped spike!你又欠我顿饭哦!


He helped spike O'Neill's most sweeping proposal--making it easier to sue execs and directors--but came back with some stiff penalties that could dissuade top officers from playing numbers games. "Harvey likes to say that you have to listen to both the words and the music," says Paul Gonson, a longtime top SEC lawyer now at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart.

Pitt在对O'Neill的大范围提案的抵制行动中起到了不小的作用,这个提案将使针对公司总裁们和董事们的诉讼变得更容易。但同时,Pitt也引进了一些严厉的惩罚制度,希望可以以此劝阻公司高层们作假账的行为。“Harvey (Pitt)常说你不仅要会听话,还要会听话外音,”Pual Gonson说道。

他帮助了美财政部长的最详尽提案做它更加容易起诉和主任但回来了以能谏阻高级官员从演奏数字比赛的一些严厉的惩罚。"Harvey 喜欢认为, 您必须倾听词和音乐,"汤姆说。