生化危机6体术:remain 和retain的区别。详细些。

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/02 16:52:15

remain [不]保持,仍是;剩下;继续;忍耐;持久
1. Train fares are likely to remain unchanged. 火车票价很可能会保持不变。
2. In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. 尽管有过争吵,他们仍是最好的朋友。
3. Very little of the house remained after the fire. 火灾之后,这座房子所剩无几。
4. He will remain as manager of the club until the end of his contract. 他将继续担任俱乐部经理,直至合同期满。

retain [及]保留;维持;记忆;雇用;聘请
1. He struggled to retain control of the situation. 他曾努力保持对局势的控制。
2. The house retains much of its original charm. 这所房子保留了许多原有的魅力。
3. She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts. 她记忆力好,很容易记住事情。
