
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/08 06:59:52





句型1 Either/Neither (+ N-sg.) +单数动词

Either/Neither of +N-pl./them…单数动词

例A:Either is O.K.


例B:Neither has got passed in the examination.


例C:There are willow trees on either side of the river.


例D:Neither book reads interesting to me.


例E:I don't like either of them.


例F:Neither of my sisters is married.


解说 “either,neither”为不定代词时可以单独作句子的主语(如例A、B)或宾语使用。例C、D的“either,neither”是作形容词用,修饰单数名词。例E、F的“either of…,neither of…”的宾语通常是复数名词,若用代词时则用“us(我们),you(你们),them(他们)”。“either of…,neither of…”若为主语时(例E、F),因其指二者之一,所以与单数动词一致,人称代词也与“he/him,she/her,his/her”等一致,可是日常英语的非正式用法却常见使用复数动词或复数人称代词。

例:Neither of my sisters are married.----PEU,Swan

例:Neither of them had brought their passports.


句型2 …not…,either(亦,也)

例:She can't sing,and she can't dance,either.


解说 本句式的“either”是副词用法,表示“也不”的意思,所以用在否定句的句末。表示肯定的“也是”则用“too”。

例:“I've got her invitation to her birthday party.”


“I've got one, too.”




例A:Either you or she has to do that.


例B:You may take either this or that.


例C:My father neither smokes nor drinks.


例D:Neither James nor Virginia was at home.


解说 本句式的“either…or…,neither…nor…”是表示“相关关系”的并列连词,使用上有下列三点要注意。



例:She is either tired or sickness.(误)

She is either tired or sick.(正)


例:She lives neither in New York nor Boston.(误)

She lives neither in New York nor in Boston.(正)

She lives in neither New York nor Boston.(正)



“I didn't see her this morning.”


“Neither/Nor did I.”
