工商营业执照地址变更:请问 It is cheaper to buy old furniture then to have new one made .正确吗?请教各位高手了。

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 07:21:20


then 是 than

It is cheaper to buy old furniture than to make new one.

It is cheaper to buy old furniture than to have a new one made

It is cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new one made.
just one word wrong: "then" to "than"

It is cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new one made.

正确,没有语法上的错误。to buy old furniture 和to have new one made 是两个并列的成分

把then 改成than, 理论上没什么错,可是感觉不to buy old furniture 和 to have new one made对称,
It is cheaper to buy old furniture than to make a new one.
