
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/09/03 10:39:18
各校的网络中心应该是各校信息化建设的直接负责机构。但实际中的情况是,网络中心理论责任和实际权限并不相称,统筹全校的信息化建设时常表现得“心有余而力不足”。 在 1999 年以前,网络中心在各校中基本上都是一个独立的二级单位。1999 年以后,受精简机构风气的影响,网络中心纷纷和其他机构合并,或 计算中心、或现代教育中心、或电教中心、或宣传机构。在目前高校里, 网络中心很少是一个独立的建制,往往身兼数职。以北邮网络中心为例, 在其责任范围内,不但要“主管校园网的规划管理、CERNET 华北地区主 结点的管理”,还要负责“中国邮电 ATM 科学试验网运行、计算机辅助教 育、电教、OA 与 MIS 系统的开发、研究生的教学与培养、校内公共机房、电话网和通讯线路的管理”。甚至远郊区县一个分校区机房的日常维 护也要由它负责。任务加大使网络中心力量分散,没有更多的精力进行校园网的统一规划。合并带来的另一个后果就是网络中心权限的缩小,不能站在全校的高度对信息化建设进行统一规划。在大多数学校,网络中心是一个与一般院、系、职能部门并列的二级单位,它们理论上负有统一规划全校信息化建设的责任,但实际上缺乏统一规划所必需的权限。网络中心如要求教务处提供有关学生资料的数据库,教务处可以提供也可以不提供。
一方面是网络中心的式微,另一方面却是高校内部“地方诸侯”的坐 大,使得统一规划全校的信息化建设难上加难。部分具有 IT 背景的系科 持着自己在信息技术上的优势,在进行本部门的信息化建设时往往自行规划,自行建设。这种局面一旦形成,会对将来的全盘规划埋下祸根—— 采用不同技术的部门之间往往很难协调。此类现象在一些理工科院校内 特别严重。而中国人民大学恰恰因为自己是一所人文科学类院校,“地方诸侯”IT 实力相对较弱而在这一问题上因“祸”得福:过去人大校内的“割据”现象也很严重,但在后来全校统一规划时遇到的阻力较小,较容易地实现了全校统一规划。
要统一规划全校的信息化建设,不但要有相应的机构,更要有相关的制度保障。北京师范大学为了保证全校范围内信息化建设的顺利推行,在各系推荐一个“网络员”来协调网络中心和系里的关系。这种岗位设置 本身无可厚非,但在制度上却没有规定网络中心对“网络员”的约束力,导致网络员仅仅对各系负责,协调能力名存实无。目前很多高校在管理体制建设方面做得不够,使得信息化建设过程 中出现的问题难以解决。吉林大学的网络中心承担着学校信息化建设的 重任,但随着管理机构的改革,学校又成立了相应的与信息化建设相关 的机构:“信息综合办公室”(副处级单位)和注册中心(正处级单位),三个与学校信息化建设相关的部门,又分别由三位不同的校领导主管,并对其负责。

3.31Organization's question is in theory

Every school of network centers should whether every school directness of information construction responsible for the organization. But the situation in reality is, the theory responsibility of network center and actual authority are unbecoming , often behave " unable to do what one wants very much to do "ly at the time of the information construction of the whole school of the pool. Before 1999, the network center was basically second independent unit of one in every school. After 1999, influenced by atmosphere of streamlining organizations, the numerous and complicated and other organizations of network center amalgamated , the computer center or the modern education centre , or audio-visual centre , or propaganda organ. In the university at present, the network center is seldom an independent organizational system, often take upon oneself several posts. Take network center of Beijing University of Post & Telecommunication as an example, within the range of its responsibility, not only be " in charge of the management of the main joint of North China of planning management , CERNET of campus network ", be responsible for " the Chinese post and telecommunications ATM scientific try net will run , auxiliary education of the computer, the development , teaching and cultivation , management of the public computer lab , telephone network and communication line in the school of graduate student of the system of audio-visual education programme , OA and MIS ". Even the regular maintenance of a computer lab of district of branch school of the outer suburbs should be under its care. Task strengthen , make network center strength disperse, have more energy carry on unified planning of campus network. Amalgamating another consequence brought is the dwindling of authorities of network center, the height that can't stand in the whole school carries on unified planning to information construction. In most schools, the network center is one with general institute , , second unit which the functional department stands side by side, they shoulder the responsibility of information construction of whole school of unified planning in theory , but lack the authority that unified planning needs in fact. If the network center requires the Dean's Office offers the database about student's materials, the Dean's Office can offer and needn't offer either .
On one hand the declining of the network center, on the other hand but that " duke under an emperor of place " is left to grow strong and insubordinate inside the university, make the information construction of the whole school of unified planning extremely difficult. That have IT background is that the department is holding one's own advantage on the information technology partly, often plan while building informationization of this department by oneself , the construction by oneself . Once this kind of situation takes shape, will plan to bury the seed of trouble totally to future - -Often very difficult between the departments of different technology to adopt to coordinate. This kind of phenomenon is very serious in universities and colleges of some science and engineering. And the People's University of China is just proper because oneself is a house of humanities universities and colleges, " place duke under an emperor " IT capability relatively weak at question this because " misfortune " take the good fortune: The " set up " phenomenon in senior colonels of people was very serious too in the past, but the resistance met in later on unified planning of the whole school was relatively small, have realized the unified planning of the whole school more easily.
3.42Management system is said from planning
Want the information construction of the whole school of unified planning, not only there should be corresponding organizations, there should be relevant system guarantee even more. Beijing Normal University, in order to guarantee the smooth implementation of information construction in the range of the whole school, in recommend one " network person " come , coordinate network center and relation on being each. The post set up itself give no cause for much criticism , stipulate network center engagement in " network person " at system, lead to the fact network person to responsible for each , coordinate ability name check , have in fact only. A lot of universities do not do in the construction aspect of management system enough at present, make the problem appearing in the course of information construction difficult to solve . The network center of the university of Jilin is bearing the important task of information construction of the school, but the reform with the management organization, the corresponding organization related to information construction has been established in the school: " general office of information " (vice department unit ) and registration center (straight department level unit ), three departments related to information construction of the school, three different schools lead the executive separately, responsible for it.
