
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/17 14:13:50
最好有例句 急求 全部家当32分悬赏!!!

Why do you choose our company?
Do you think you can quilified the position which you apply for?
Talk about your family.(我姐姐应聘时就有这个题目,怪异的很,外国人很注重雇员是否是个顾家的人,以次来判断是否留用)

i don't have much experience but i can pick out some questions
1\why do you think you are qualified for this vacancy?
2\how do you understand the culture and the value of our company?
3\what do you want to gain from the position?
4\talk about the most challenge thing you have taken.
5\talk about your opinion about the industry our company in ?
6\what have you done or what are you dong to prepare for the vancancy?
7\describe yourself in 1 minute.

