
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 09:26:28

AOI(简单线路采目视) →电测→(修补)→确认 内层板线路成完后,必须保证通路及绝缘的完整性(integrity),即如同单面板一样先要仔细检查。因一旦完成压合后,不幸仍有缺陷时,则已为时太晚,对于高层次板子而言更是必须先逐一保证其各层质量之良好,始能进行压合, 由于高层板渐多,内层板的负担加重,且线路愈来愈细,万一有漏失将会造成压合后的昂贵损失.传统目视外,自动光学检查(AOI)之使用在大厂中已非常普遍, 利用计算机将原图案牢记,再配合特殊波长光线的扫瞄,而快速完美对各层板详作检查。但AOI有其极限,例如细断路及漏电(Leakage)很难找出,故各厂渐增加短、断路电性测试

AOI Area Of Interest
AOI Angle Of Incidence
AOI All Ordinaries Index (stock index, Australian Stock Exchange)
AOI Age of Innocence (David Hamilton book, also a band)
AOI Age of Innocence (game)
AOI Automated Optical Inspection
AOI Association de l'Ostéogenèse Imparfaite
AOI Associated Oregon Industries
AOI Ancona, Italy - Falconara (Airport Code)
AOI Arab Organization for Industrialization (Egyptian government industrial organization)
AOI AND-OR-Invert(er) (logical; electrical engineering)
AOI Aide Odontologique Internationale
AOI Auto-Owners Insurance
AOI Automated Operator Interface
AOI Active Output Interface (UNI PMD specs for copper/fiber)
AOI Accent On Information (on assistive technology products and devices)
AOI Abnormal Operating Instruction
AOI Associate Office Infrastructure (USPS)
AOI Atelosteogenesis, Type I
AOI Advance Ordering Information
AOI Aero-Optics Inc. (Rolling Hills Estates, CA)
AOI Accept Operator Input
AOI Access Option Indicator (Sprint)
AOI Avalon Online Initiative (web development firm)



