米雪主演的电视剧大全:请高手告诉我 专业的进

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/09/15 22:36:16
甘氨酸: 一种非必需氨基酸。是最简单的氨基酸,分子式NH2CH2COOH,存在于许多蛋白质中,特别是在明胶和丝纤蛋白中含量特别丰富。味甜,用来减少糖精中的苦味1

Glycine: One of the nonessential amino acids. The simplest amino acid (NH2CH2COOH), it occurs in many proteins; especially rich sources are silk fibroin and gelatin. It has a sweet taste and is used to reduce the Bitter flavour of saccharin.

Glycin,a sort of dispensable aminophenol.It's the most simple aminophenol,molecular formula:NH2CH2COOH.Consist in protein,especially glutin and albumen.Sweet taste,act on reduce the bitterness of the glucide.
