ds5 观致:帮忙~我想要Jesse Stuart的资料~是位作家哟~谢谢~

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/08 11:42:41

杰西·斯图尔特,肯塔基州著名小说家,短篇小说作家,诗人,和老师,他父亲也勉强写自己的名字。他知道,密切农村贫困人口的生活。 8月8日,L906,米切尔和玛莎·希尔顿斯图尔特,他出生在W-空心,肯塔基州,格里纳普附近。他是第二个的七个孩子,他们的第一个儿子。在他的高中岁月,杰西曾在干农活的早期和晚期,以帮助保持农场去。杰西和他的弟弟詹姆斯长大,帮助他们提高作物,养他们的父亲。在出席格里纳普高的,鼓励他写的英语老师,RE哈顿女士,谁看见在他转身的短篇小说为主题分配的承诺。随着她的提示,他也开始写诗。格里纳普高中毕业后,他曾在亚什兰的钢铁厂,直到9月。在秋天l926,他被录取了林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)在哈罗盖特大学,美国田纳西州。他获得了更多的鼓励,写哈里哈里森·克罗尔,他的英语教授之一。他从他的同班同学唐西,后来也能达到他们的文学写照山区人民的认可和詹姆斯依然知识分子的刺激。他花了l931-32范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)的研究生。多纳尔·戴维森,罗伯特Penn沃伦,约翰·唐纳德韦德,和埃德温·米姆斯他上了课。被丢在火摧毁了他的宿舍单间缺钱,他不可能继续他未完成的论文。


杰西·斯图尔特基金会自1979年以来,一直致力于为维护杰西·斯图尔特和他的W-空心山国家的阿巴拉契亚生活方式的保持他的书在印刷的遗产。Undo edits

Jesse Stuart, famous Kentucky novelist, short-story writer, poet, and teacher, was the son of a man who could barely write his name. He knew intimately the life of the rural poor. He was born in W-Hollow, near Greenup, Kentucky, on August 8, l906, to Mitchell and Martha Hilton Stuart. He was the second of seven children, and their first son. During his high school years, Jesse worked early and late at farm chores to help keep the farm going. Jesse and his brother James grew up helping their father to raise the crops which fed them. While attending Greenup High, he was encouraged to write by an English teacher, Mrs. R. E. Hatton, who saw promise in the short stories he turned in as theme assignments. With her prompting, he also began to write poems. After graduating from Greenup High School, he worked in a steel mill in Ashland until September. In the fall l926 he was admitted to Lincoln Memorial University at Harrogate, Tennessee. He received more encouragement to write from Harry Harrison Kroll, one of his English professors. He received intellectual stimulation from his classmates Don West and James Still, who were later to also achieve recognition for their literary portrayal of mountain people. He spent l931-32 as a graduate student at Vanderbilt University. He took classes with Donal Davidson, Robert Penn Warren, John Donald Wade, and Edwin Mims. His unfinished thesis was lost in the fire which destroyed the dormitory he roomed in. Lack of money made it impossible for him to continue.

He published his first book of poetry and began writing short stories in l934. Many honors came his way in the following years. For example, his novel Taps for Private Tussie won the Thomas Jefferson Southern Award and was a Book-of-the-Month selection. His autobiographical The Thread That Runs So True, which recounts some of his teaching experiences, was selected by the National Educational Association as the best book of l949. Among his more than 60 published volumes are Man with a Bull-Tongue Plow (poems), Men of the Mountains (stories), God's Oddling (biography), Hie to the Hunters (novel), and Kentucky Is My Land (poetry).

Since l979, the Jesse Stuart Foundation has devoted itself to preserving the legacy of Jesse Stuart and his W-Hollow hill country's Appalachian way of life by keeping his books in print.