漫花庄园婚宴:谁有牛津英语上海版S1A chapter4 的more language input的课文啊,急用啊!

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 15:01:30
就是那个teacher的回信的,Dear students 开头的,我绝对急用啊

A letter from the teacher counsellor
Dear Friends
Thank you very much for your letters.Since the three of you have expressed more or less the same porblem of having a gulity conscience, I would like to share with you some general views on the matter here in our Teacher Counsellor's Corner.I expect to meet you each next week during my office hours.

I must say that I am pleased to read your letters. And from what you have described about the flower pot that dropped accidentally from the high-rise,the ugly guys who teased and bullied the little boy on the train,and the rude and careless cashier at the supermarket, I have the sure feeling that you are all very honest and good students. Clearly,you have a fair and sensible judgement about the things that happen around you.And this is very important.

I understand that you were not quite sure about how to react properly in those situations, and you still feel sorry for that. In my opinion,your weakness may lie in a kind of hesitation and lack of courage in unexpected incidents. In other words, if you had been a little more courageous and more confident about yourselves,you would have shown more strength and wisdom.

Dear friends,if a guilty conscience has made you reflect upon your past failure,I believe that careful thinking together with continuous effort will certainly bring you more positive and successful solutions in the future.You are moving in the right direstion.

I look forward to seeing you in my office.

Teacher Counsellor
