宜家窗帘可以定制吗:make me pure Robbie Williams

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/06 19:01:20


Some will sing a song
To reel ’em in
It’s a song I sung before
And a song I’m gonna sing again
I mean every word
I don’t mean a single one of them
Oh Lord
Make me pure
But not yet
I tell a joke
Tell it twice
If noone else is laughin’
Then why am I
I split my sides both times
And laugh until I cry
Oh Lord
Please make me pure
But not yet
I don’t have to try
I just dial it in
I’ve never found a job that for me was worth bothering
I’ve got a ton of selfish genes
And lazy bones beneath this skin
Oh Lord
Make me pure
But not yet
Smoking kills
Sex sells
I got one hand in my pocket
But the other one looks cool as hell
I know I’m gonna die
So my revenge is living well
Oh Lord
Make me pure
But not yet
I stopped praying
So I hope this song will do
I wrote it all
For you
I’m not perfect
But you don’t mind that do you
I know you’re there to pull me through
Aren’t you
So I looked for love
I like to search
And I’ll be standing for election
All across the known universe
And every president’ll get the country she deserves
Oh Lord
Make me pure
But not yet
And I’ve been seeing
Somebody’s wife
She said she’d leave him for me
And I said that wasn’t wise
You can’t lie to a liar
Because of all the lies
Oh Lord
Please make me pure
But not yet

Make me pure 让我纯洁

Some will sing a song 有些人会唱首歌
To reel ’em in 把它们卷进来
It’s a song I sung before 这是一首我以前唱过
And a song I’m gonna sing again 并将再唱一遍的歌
I mean every word 每个歌词都有意思
I don’t mean a single one of them 而不仅仅是一个个单独的词语
Oh Lord 哦上帝
Make me pure 让我纯洁
But not yet 但还没有

I tell a joke 我讲个笑话
Tell it twice 讲了两遍
If no one else is laughin’如果没人笑
Then why am I 那为什么我要笑
I split my sides both times 两次我都倾尽全力
And laugh until I cry 并且笑直到我哭为止
Oh Lord 哦上帝
Please make me pure 请让我纯洁
But not yet 但还没有

I don’t have to try 我没必要尝试
I just dial it in 我只要将它拨进来
I’ve never found a job that for me was worth bothering 我从未找到一份值得我操心的工作
I’ve got a ton of selfish genes 我全身遍布自私的基因
And lazy bones beneath this skin 和懒惰的本性
Oh Lord 哦上帝
Make me pure 让我纯洁
But not yet 但还没有

Smoking kills 吸烟有害健康
Sex sells 性可以买卖
I got one hand in my pocket 我一手插袋
But the other one looks cool as hell 但另一手如地狱冰冷
I know I’m gonna die 我知道我将死
So my revenge is living well 但我的仇恨过得很好
Oh Lord 哦上帝
Make me pure 让我纯洁
But not yet 但还没有

I stopped praying 我停止了祈祷
So I hope this song will do 于是我希望这首歌能
I wrote it all 我写这歌
For you 全为了你
I’m not perfect 我不完美
But you don’t mind that do you 但你不介意,是么
I know you’re there to pull me through 我知道你在那让我度过难关
Aren’t you 不是么
So I looked for love 于是我寻找爱
I like to search 我喜欢寻找
And I’ll be standing for election 我将参加竞选
All across the known universe 在这所知的世界里
And every president’ll get the country she deserves 每个总统都将得到她应得的国民
Oh Lord 哦上帝
Make me pure 让我纯洁
But not yet 但还没有

And I’ve been seeing 我一直看到
Somebody’s wife 某些人的妻子
She said she’d leave him for me 她说她愿为我离开他老公
And I said that wasn’t wise 而我说那样并不英明
You can’t lie to a liar 你不能向一个说谎者撒谎
Because of all the lies 因为所有的谎言
Oh Lord 哦上帝
Please make me pure 请让我纯洁
But not yet 但还没有