
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 11:21:53

Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist. He was born in 1847. When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked. He was in school for only three months. He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions. Most of them had nothing to do with his lessons. The teacher thought the boy was not bright and was not worth teaching. When he told this to Edison?s mother,she took her son out of school. As she had been a teacher,she taught him herself. The boy read a lot. Soon he became very interested in science. At the age of ten, Edison had already built a chemistry lab for himself. Ever since then, he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things.

Isacc Newton

Toward the end of the 1600s Newton picked up on Descartes' theories of motion and completed the mechanistic vision of the universe that he had laid out. In his Principia (1687) he so thoroughly pulled the mechanistic vision together that it became the single most important foundation piece for the modern world-view.

He "demonstrated" that all things within the universe are made up of minute bits of matter which are held together in their shape and movement through the force of natural attraction or gravity (the gravitational attraction of two bodies is equal to the product of their mass divided by the square of the distance between them). This theory explained quite fully everything from the movement of the planets through the skies, to the movements of the tides, to the velocity of falling objects--and more.

Just as importantly--the completeness of the theory left no possibility of seeing creation as a "living" thing. Creation was without life of its own; it was instead mere "matter" responding mechanically to a set of fixed mathematical laws.

Nonetheless, Newton thought of himself as being religiously quite devout. His theory of the universe --so he thought--was intended as a powerful tribute to the Grand Architect who designed such a wonderfully complex yet beautiful creation.

However, Newton depicted God in such a way that God actually lost "personality" and the realm of sovereign action. God was left a role in nature largely as "First Mover" with no further significant intervention in life. God nearly became identified with the eternity or infinity of the universe.