
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/02 19:29:48
大家跟我一起到西院去看看 这间屋子是李大钊革命事迹的陈列室 这里的照片 手搞 书刊被保留了下来 他对祖国和人民无限的忠诚怎能不为之感动呢

Please follow me to the West wing. This room holds an exhibition for Li's revolutionary career. Many of his photos, manuscripts, books and periodicals are well preserved. How can a Chinese not be moved by his loyalty to the people?

Follow me and let's take a look at the west yard. This room is designated as the showroom for the deeds achieved by Li dazhao. the photos,manuscripts and magazines were preserved till now.
how couldn't we be deeply moved by his faithfulness to our matherland and people?