李易峰真正的女朋友:noncorresponding of the word meaning between English and Chinese

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 20:37:27

找个学校进 中国学术期刊网 里面的研究生论文里

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也是有的, 相关题目: the untranslatebility of chinese

Because English and Chinese are two languages that originated from two disparate parts of the world with distinct cultural differences, there are many instances in which certain Chinese expressions and words have no suitable and definitive English counterparts and vice versa...
.... This phenomenon not only applies to English and Chinese, but perhaps between most languages in the world, and this is why a language is constantly evolving by assimilating foreign words, as "borrowed words", thereby expanding its vocabulary. The many borrowed words from English into Chinese include sofa, karaoke, bar, etc. The English borrowed Chinese as well, and such words include kungfu, gung ho, dim sum etc...