维纳过程 金融:all the love in the world 是谁唱的?

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奥斯卡 2002年的

是The Corrs唱的

  The Corrs来自爱尔兰的Dundalk——距都柏林向北50英里,正好介于爱尔兰和北爱尔兰交界上的一个小城。他们是爱尔兰史上最成功的一支家庭组合,成立于1990年,由3朵姐妹花Sharon、Caroline、Andrea和成熟、稳重的大哥Jim组成,由于父母都是歌手,所以这四兄妹从小就表现出对音乐的天赋,并将自己的姓氏——“Corr”作为乐队的名称。

  1995年可儿家族发行首张专辑《Forgiven Not Forgotten》,在祖国爱尔兰拥有九白金销售量并打败U2、小红莓、男孩特区合唱团名列爱尔兰销售量最佳的首张专辑;''97年由Glen Ballard (艾拉妮丝莫莉塞特专辑制作人)所制作的《Talk On Corners》,除了在全球15个国家获得白金及其他9个国家获得金唱片的纪录外,还创造出"Dreams"、"So Young"、"What Can I Do"等畅销曲,史无前例在英国专辑榜待了2年之久,更因此获得全英音乐奖“最佳国际团体”,世界音乐奖“爱尔兰最佳销售乐团”的殊荣,Q杂志更将此张专辑选为“史上最快乐的专辑”之一。

  ''99年底,The Corrs以不插电方式发行了《Unplugged》专辑,迄今也有超过250万的销售量的佳绩。2000年的《In Blue》,除了获得全球18国专辑榜冠军,更是全欧洲2000年销售量最好的乐团专辑,也荣获第43届葛莱美奖最佳流行演唱团体("Breathless")、最佳流行演奏曲("Rebel Heart")2项提名。

All The Love In The World
歌手:The Corrs 专辑:In Blue
The Corrs - All The Love In The World

Artist: The Corrs
Album: Unknown
Title: All The Love In The World

I'm not looking for someone to talk to
I've got my friends, I'm more than O.K.
I've got more than a girl could wish for
I live my dreams but it's not all they say
Still I believe I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me

Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world

I've often wondered if love's an illusion
Just to get you through the loneliest days
I can't criticize it - I have no hesitation
My imagination just stole me away
Still I believe I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me

Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world

Love's for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away
Yeah I'm only human
And nights grow colder
With no-one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me
And I won't wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world
(Don't wanna wake up alone)