
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 12:25:27
You are going to the Police Academy,with a starting salary from the city burning a hole in your blues. Like a combination of beat camp and college. the experience can be physically and mentally draining. Improve your body skill so you can graduate and get a real job
Read cookbooks from a bookshelf to improve this skill.As your skill increases.you will be surprised at how much more your meals satisfy your hunger and at how the occurrence of kitchen disasters is reduced
Being handy around the house can save money in expensive repair costs,It's also necessary to advance in certain careers. Improve this skill by studying do-it-yourself books from a book-shelf
Logic combines"reasoning abilities" with "organization" It is especially useful in the Medicine and Science career tracks.Playying chess is a great way to improve this skill

你正在去警察学院,藉由来自燃烧你的蓝调一个洞的城市一个出发薪水。 喜欢一个打露营和学院的组合。 经验可能是身体上地而且心理上排出沟外。 改善你的身体技术,如此你能毕业而且找到一个真正的工作
看来自一个书架的食谱改善这技术。如你的技术 increases.you 将会感到惊讶在更多你的一餐如何使你的饥饿满意和在厨房灾祸的发生如何被减少
在房子的周围便利能节省贵的修理费用的钱,资讯科技也是必需在特定的事业中前进。 藉由学习来自一本书的自己做方式的书改善这技术-架
逻辑结合 " 推论能力 " 和 " 组织 " 资讯科技尤其是有用的在医学中而且科学事业追踪。Playying 西洋象棋是一个很棒的方法改善这技术