
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 12:37:00

Unit 2
  喊醒他 wake him up
  知道哪能找到他 know where to find him

  去睡觉 go to sleep

  记日记 keep a diary

  保持清醒 keep awake

  入睡 fall asleep

  观看电视新闻 watch news on TV

  收到某人的来信 hear from sb

  我最好的学生 my best friend

  坐在树下 sit under the trees

  在午餐时 at lunchtime

  全校 the whole school

  在大礼堂里 in the Assembly Hall

  其他所有的学生 all the other students

  我最喜欢的功课 my favorite lessons

  练习讲英语 practice speaking English

  是……..的一员 be a member of

  派人去找医生 send for a doctor

  带他参观公园 show him around the park

  提高你的技能 improve your skills

  一周两次 twice a week

  制造飞机模型 make model planes

  看电视看得太多 watch TV too much

  一本关于卡通的书 a book about cartoons

  相互住的很近 live near each other

  一直,总是 all the time

  得一等奖 win the first prize

  对某人满意 be pleased with sb

  在网球场 at the tennis court

  忙于某事 be busy with sth

  忙于做某事 be busy doing sth

  向某人求助 ask sb for help

  问她某些问题 ask her some questions

  向某人要钱 ask sb for money

  以500元的价格 at the price of ¥500

  开放时间 opening hours

  谢谢某人做某事 thank sb for doing sth

  组织某人做某事 organize sb to do sth

  开灯 turn on the light

  关灯 turn off the light

  把收音机音量开大 turn up the radio

  把收音机音量开小 turn down the radio

  在……….结束时 at the end of

  在………..开始时 at the beginning of

  做某事很开心 have fun (in) doing sth

  想要某人做某事 want sb to do sth / would like sb to do sth

  想要做某事 want to do sth / would like to do sth

  一位叫Tommy的新网友 a new E—friend called Tommy

  网友俱乐部网址 the E—friendship Club’s website

  告诉你朋友你的学校生活 tell you friends about your school life

  完成做某事 complete doing sth / finish doing sth

  你自己的日常活动 your own daily activities

  给某人写信 write to sb / write a letter to sb

  给某人回信 answer one’s letter / write back to sb

  我给Mary写的信 my letter to Mary

  1800多学生 more than 1800 students / over 1800 students

  从小卖部买零食 by snacks from the tuck shop

  相互交谈 talk to each other / talk with each other / chat with each other

  我所有的新朋友 all my new friends

  整个上午 all the morning the whole morning

  每天花两小时做作业 spend two hours a day in doing homework

  一位非常好的游泳者 a very good swimmer / quite a good swimmer

  寄一份生日礼物给他 send him a birthday present / send a birthday present to him

  把他给Tommy的信给我show me her letter to Tommy/show her letter to Tommy to me

  有些好消息告诉你 have some good news for you

  有很多时间和朋友聊天 have much time to chat with friends

  想更好的了解他的学生 want to know his students better

  进行一次学校游行 go on a school trip

  得到一些关于中国太空博物馆的信get some information about the China Space Museum

  期望有一间自己的房间 look forward to having one’s own room

  期望有个美好的未来 look forward to a beautiful future

  有一些关于如何学英语的问题 have some questions about how to learn English


  1.too…….. too……… 太……..以至于不能
  ………… enough to …………. 足够……….做某事

  so ………… that ………… 如此 ………… 以至于


  The little boy is too short to reach the apple.

  The little boy isn’t tall enough to reach the apple .

  The little boy is so short that he can’t reach the apple.

  2.people spend time /money in doing sth / on sth 人 花费时间/钱做某事

  It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花费某人多少时间

  sth costs sb + money 某物花费某人多少钱


  The computer will cost him ¥5000.

  He will spend ¥5000 on the computer/in buying the computer.

  He will buy the computer for ¥5000.


  She spends half an hour (in) doing homework /on homework.

  It takes her half an hour to do homework.

  3.It is fun to do sth 做某事有趣

  It is fun to talk with her. 和她讲话真有趣。

  4.because + 句子

  because of + n.

  He won’t go to school because it is raining.

  He won’t go to school because of the rain
  Unit 3

  1. dress up as…打扮成… dress up in sth 用…打扮 dress up 化装、打扮

  dress sb 给…穿衣服 dress oneself 自己穿衣服

  2. festivals around the world 世界各地的节日

  3. special days 特别的日子

  4. festivals in China and in the West:

  (at) the Chinese New Year/ the Spring Festival (at) Christmas (at) Easter

  (at)the Mid-Autumn Festival (at) Halloween

  (on) Christmas Day/Eve (at)the Dragon Boat Festival

  5. receive/get a letter from sb 收到…的来信

  6. get ready for sth 为某事做准备 get ready to do sth 准备做某事(表示动作)

  be ready for sth; be ready to do sth 准备好做某事(表示状态)

  7. Thank sb for sth/doing sth. 因为某事感谢某人。

  Thank you for your help./ Thank you for helping me.

  8. a game called “trick or treat” 一个叫做“不招待就使坏”的游戏

  9. knock on/at the door 敲门

  10. give us candies as a treat/give us a treat of candies 用糖果招待我们

  give sb sth as a treat/ give sb a treat of sth 用…招待…

  11. play a trick on sb 戏弄、捉弄某人

  12. wear special costumes with masks 穿着连着面具的特殊服装

  13. paint our faces 把脸涂色

  14. People don’t know who we are. 人们不知道我们是谁。

  He doesn’t know where we are going. 他不知道我们要去哪里。

  15. make our own pumpkin lanterns 制作我们自己的南瓜灯笼

  my own car= a car of my own 我自己的车

  I have my own car.=I have a car of my own. =I’m the owner of the car.

  16. cut out some shapes 剪去、挖去一些形状

  17 the sharp teeth 尖尖的牙齿 brush one’s teeth刷牙

  18. on the evening of October 31st 在10月31日的晚上

  on a cold evening 在一个寒冷的夜晚 on a cold spring morning 在一个温暖的春天的早晨

  on Saturday morning 在星期六的早晨

  19. make a lantern out of a pumpkin 用南瓜做成灯笼

  make sth out of sth 用… 做成…

  make clothes out of cloth 用布做成衣服

  20. look like a tiger 看起来象只老虎

  21. days of the year

  New Year’s Day May Day/Labor Day Children’s Day Teachers’ Day National Day Father’s Day Mother’s Day

  22. watch the Dragon Boat Race 观看龙舟比赛

  23. rice dumplings 粽子

  24. at breakfast 早餐时 at lunch 午餐时 at supper 晚饭时

  25. start(begin) to do sth/ start doing sth 开始做某事

  26. learn French 学习法语

  27 at 14= at the age of 14 在某人14岁的时候

  28. see the doctor 去医生那里看病

  29. Here is what I will do during the first week of November. 这是我在11月的第一个星期要做的。

  That’s what we will talk about. 那是我们要谈论的内容。

  30. go on holiday 去度假; (be) on holiday (在)度假

  31. in the kitchen 在厨房

  32. celebrate … by doing … 通过做某事来庆祝…

  celebrate Christmas by changing presents 通过交换礼物来庆祝圣诞

  33. red packets with money in them 装着钱的红包

  34. traditional Chinese food 传统的中国菜 Christmas traditions 圣诞节传统

  35. watch the lion dance 观看舞狮表演

  36. set/let off fireworks 燃放烟火

  37. It will be the first time I see it. 这将是我第一次看见它。

  It will be the first time sb do/does sth. 这将是某人第一次做某事。

  It will be the first time he chat with friends on the Internet.

  38. like sth so much 如此、这样的喜欢某事

  39. cut out pieces of card 剪出几片硬纸

  40. write a sentence on each flash card 在每张学习卡片上写上一句话

  41. on the other side of … 在…的另外一边

  on the other side of the street 在街对面

  on the other side of the river 在河对岸

  42. give sb a hint 给某人一个提示

  43. 10-minute study time 10分钟的学习时间

  a 2-month holiday 两个月的假期 an 8-year-old boy 一个8岁的男孩

  44. try to do sth 努力、尽力做某事

  45. put candles in the pumpkin lanterns 把蜡烛放进南瓜灯笼里

  46. in many ways 通过很多种方式 in this way 用这种方法

  47. shine through the eyes 从眼睛里发出光来

  look through the window 透过窗户看 climb in through the window 从窗户爬进来

  48. dream about/of sth 梦见…

  49. in spring/summer/autumn/winter

  50. make a plan 制定计划

  51. make your poster look interesting 你的海报看起来有趣

  52. put up your poster on the wall for display 把你的海报张贴到墙上展示
