
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/04 18:16:09
1,The maxim was that when a married couples saw red , lawyers saw green.
2,OPEC has had to accept what it was told from the start but chose not believe :that non-OPEC cooperation would not forthcoming .
3After the fall of France,Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the ground ,about equally matched in the air ,and gravely inferior at sea.
4,The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that fl ies away from him,and to fly from all that pursue him.

1,The maxim was that when a married couples saw red , lawyers saw green.
格言就是, 当已婚夫妇看到不祥时, 律师看到希望。

2,OPEC has had to accept what it was told from the start but chose not believe :that non-OPEC cooperation would not forthcoming .
OPEC 不得不接受其一开始就被告知但一直不愿相信的:非 OPEC合作不会到来。

3After the fall of France,Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the ground ,about equally matched in the air ,and gravely inferior at sea.
法国衰败后, 德国在陆地上比英国强大很多, 在空中几乎势均力敌, 在海上则逊色很多。

4,The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that fl ies away from him,and to fly from all that pursue him.
人的本能就是追求所有那些远去的, 尽力逃离那些逼近自己的。

1,The maxim was that when a married couples saw red , lawyers saw green.
格言就是,当已婚夫妇们的婚姻出现问题时,律师们就看到(生意上的)生机。red 和 green 借用了公共交通上面的红绿灯的意义.

2,OPEC has had to accept what it was told from the start but chose not believe :that non-OPEC cooperation would not forthcoming .

3After the fall of France,Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the ground ,about equally matched in the air ,and gravely inferior at sea.
法国衰败之后,德国陆军是英国陆军完全不可匹敌的,德国空军与英国空军似乎势均力敌, 德国海军较英国空军则不堪一击。

4,The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies away from him,and to fly from all that pursue him.
