
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/06 15:54:44
The potential use of reclaimed water as a source for potable water supplies has been investigated in several significant studies. During the 1980s the City of Denver's Direct Potable Water Reuse Demonstration Project was initiated. A one mgd (3,785 m3/d) advanced wastewater treatment plant began operation in 1985 to investigate the feasibility of providing reliable drinking water quality using a multiple-barrier treatment concept based on advanced chemical and physical treatment operations and processes. Effluent from secondary treatment was the plant influent. Advanced treatment included lime clarification, recarbonation, filtration, and carbon adsorption followed by two parallel advanced treatment process trains: a) reverse osmosis, ozonation, and chlorination in parallel with b) ultrafiltration, ozonation, and chlorination. Comprehensive analytical studies were conducted to assess the ability of the reclaimed water to meet existing drinking water quality regulations. The finished reclaimed water from each treatment train was subjected to whole animal health effects testing including chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, and reproductive toxicity. No adverse health effects were identified from either treatment scheme (Lauer, 1993; Lauer and Rogers, 1994).
