
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 21:30:28

CS各种命令参数大全之scripting 基本命令说明

  bind x "+attack"

  alias biteme"say BITE ME YOU JACKASS!!!!"
  bind m"biteme"然后再在游戏中运行此程序<例如a.cfg whenu wanna use this personal function u may
  just typing a command in the console during the game like this : exec a.cfg . then u can getit!!>
  这样一来只要按下m键,你就会自动说:BITE ME YOU JACKASS!!!!
  alias 还有一种用法就是这个----一次买好全部所需物平:
  alias 自定义命令集名称“buy; menuselect 目录代号;menuselect 目录代号”(此语句存在*.cfg文件中)
  bind 自定义快捷键“自定义命令集名称”(此语句加载于cstrike目录下的config.cfg文件中)

  一建买mp5 并设置m为此快捷键。
  alias buymp5 "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1"(此语句存在*.cfg文件中)
  bind m "buymp5" (此语句加载于cstrike目录下的config.cfg文件中)

  再在游戏中打开控制台运行:exec *.cfg

  bind "f1" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2"
  bind "f2" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1;buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  bind "f3" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1;buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  bind "f4" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 2;buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  bind "f5" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3;buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  bind "f6" "buy; menuselect 4;buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  bind "f7" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6;buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  bind "f8" "buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip;menuselect 3"

  f1 沙漠之鹰
  f2 mp5
  f3 ak47
  f4 sg552
  f5 m4a1
  f6 august
  f7 awp
  f8 护甲2+手雷+闪光弹
  再举一列包括alias 用法的
  alias fullprim "buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  bind "z" "fullprim"
  alias fullpist "buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2"
  bind "x" "fullpist"
  在一个你用来放置alias命令的.cfg也可以放多个alias 命令以便于在游戏方便时执行
  alias buymp5 "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1"
  alias buyvest "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 1"
  alias ammo1 "buy; m6 "
  alias buy2200 "buymp5; buyvest; ammo1"
  bind n "buy2200"
  // 蹲跳脚本 // - 最常用的脚本,就是蹲着跳啦!!!这样就不用跳起来在按蹲以获取高度,一键完成

  alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
  alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"

  bind "space" "+cjump"

  // 便交变拆弹脚本 // - 这个叫本能在你拆弹的时候告诉你的队友保护你. You bind a key to +defuse.

  alias +defuse "+use; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10; say_team Cover me I'm defusing the bomb"
  alias -defuse "-use; slot10"

  bind "d" "+defuse"

  // 边叫变放脚本 // -告诉你的队友你正在放炸弹保护你. You bind a key to +bomb.

  alias +bomb "weapon_c4; +duck; +attack; wait; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10; say_team Cover me I'm planting the bomb"
  alias -bomb "-duck; -attack; slot10"

  bind "b" "+bomb"

  / 边跳边救脚本 // - 不用说了吧

  alias +jumpres "+jump; wait; +use"
  alias -jumpres "-jump; wait; -use"

  bind "enter" "+jumpres"

  file://跳键清除目录的脚本 // - 只要一跳就可以清除目录,方便》》》》快!!!!!!

  alias +jumpclr "+jump; mclr"
  alias -jumpclr "-jump"
  alias "mclr" "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"

  bind "space" "+jumpclr"

  // 便叫边换弹夹 // - ???????.

  alias +recov "+reload; wait; -reload; radio1; menuselect 1; say_team cover me I'm reloading"
  alias -recov "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"

  bind "r" "+recov"

  // 立即停止换弹夹 // - 敌人面对面冲来了,你还在换弹夹?别傻了,,快掏枪迎战!!!!完全没有子弹另当别论

  alias reload_stop "weapon_knife; wait; wait; wait; lastinv"

  bind "q" "reload_stop"

  // 蹲!!! // - 不用一直按主蹲建,按一次即蹲,再按恢复

  alias duck_t "duck_on"
  alias duck_on "alias duck_t duck_off; +duck; developer 1; echo Ducking enabled; developer 0"
  alias duck_off "alias duck_t duck_on; -duck; developer 1; echo Standing enabled; developer 0"

  bind "x" "duck_t"

  // 走!!!!!//- 同上

  alias walk_t "walk_on"
  alias walk_on "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1; echo Walking enabled; developer 0"
  alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed; developer 1; echo Running enabled; developer 0"

  bind "w" "walk_t"

  // 砍!! // - 按下此键后,立马就开始砍,放开换回先前武器

  alias +qslash "weapon_knife; wait; +attack"
  alias -qslash "-attack; lastinv"

  bind "alt" "+qslash"

  // 插!!!! // -基本同上,不过使用插的

  alias +qstab "weapon_knife; wait; +attack2"
  alias -qstab "-attack2; wait; lastinv"

  bind "alt" "+qstab"

  // NVG Buy & Enable Sxxxxt // - This Sxxxxt allows you to buy NVG's and turn them on with one keystroke, and then turn them off with the next key stroke.

  alias +nvgx "nvgon"
  alias nvgon "buyequip; menuselect 7; wait; wait; wait; nightvision; developer 1; echo NVGS Enabled!; developer 0; alias +nvgx nvgoff"
  alias nvgoff "nightvision; developer 1; echo NVGS Disabled!; developer 0; alias +nvgx nvgon"
  alias -nvgx "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"

  bind "n" "+nvgx"

  Primary Ammo Buy Sxxxxt // - This Sxxxxt buys you full primary ammo.

  alias fullprim "buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"

  bind "z" "fullprim"

  Pistol Ammo Buy Sxxxxt // - This Sxxxxt buys you full Pistol ammo.

  alias fullpist "buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2"

  bind "x" "fullpist"

  买物品 // - This sxxxxt buys the specific piece of equipment you choose with one key. Make sure you include the "mclr" and "w3" aliases with any of the others you use, since they are a part of all of the Equipment buys.

  alias +armor "buyequip; menuselect 1" // Buys Armor
  alias -armor "mclr; mclr"
  alias +helmet "buyequip; menuselect 2" // Buys Helmet/Armor
  alias -helmet "mclr; mclr"
  alias +flashb "buyequip; menuselect 3" // Buys Flashbang
  alias -flashb "mclr; mclr"
  alias +hegren "buyequip; menuselect 4" // Buys He Grenade
  alias -hegren "mclr; mclr"
  alias +smoke "buyequip; menuselect 5" // Buys Smoke Grenade
  alias -smoke "mclr; mclr"
  alias +defuse "buyequip; menuselect 6" // Buys Defuse Kit
  alias -defuse "mclr; mclr"
  alias +nvgs "buyequip; menuselect 7" // Buys NVG's
  alias -nvgs "mclr; mclr"
  alias mclr "slot10; w3; w3; slot10"
  alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"

  bind "q" "+armor"
  bind "w" "+helmet"
  bind "e" "+flashb"
  bind "r" "+hegren"
  bind "t" "+smoke"
  bind "y" "+defuse"
  bind "u" "+nvgs"

  Combo Equipment Buy Sxxxxt // - This sxxxxt allows you to buy a variety of combinations from the Equipment Menu with one key press.

  // B买主武器,及弹药加头盔

  alias +ammoarm "buyequip; menuselect 2; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  alias -ammoarm "slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10"

  bind "h" "+ammoarm"

  // 把能扔的东西都卖完

  alias +allgren "flash; flash; hegren; smoke"
  alias -allgren "slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10"
  alias flash "buyequip; menuselect 3"
  alias hegren "buyequip; menuselect 4"
  alias smoke "buyequip; menuselect 5"

  bind "n" "+allgren"

  // ct买拆弹器,主武器。弹药

  alias +ctbuy "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyammo1; buyammo1"
  alias -ctbuy "slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10"

  bind "m" "+ctbuy"