
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 07:22:05
"It's a mechanical meat-and-potatoes airplane," he says, leading me onto the flight line where the two Fulcrums sit.
But powerful and deadly all the same.
"It can take off and head straight up and accelerate through the sound barrier to 48,000 feet in 60 seconds!"
he says, nearly jumping out of his ostrich-skin cowboy boots.
"Once I heard those numbers I just had to become the only person to own the biggest,
baddest, fastest machine in the world.
Me, chasing the clouds in the purest power machine out there. I had to have one."



“它从起飞,直接拉起来,到加速突破音障,升到48,000 英尺的高空,只需要60秒钟!”




*meat-and-potatoes 最基本的,未经任何技术升级改造的型号。