爱到 飞轮海 下载:问几个国际商贸的英语单词、短语,谢谢!

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/03 07:09:05
1.FOB是离岸价格,可以是小写的吗?$500/t fob level Australia在国际贸易中如何翻译的?

2.force majeure on sugar shipments ,怎么翻?查不到majeure这个词。

3.the completion of spot sale tender,如何翻?这是关于工业制造方面的,tender翻成招投标觉得不太合适。请教!

关于tender的疑问还有这里:the factory has concluded a 5000 tonne sale tender.The tender ia throught to have changed hands at another price.

4.the closing date for the tender was Feb. 15th,with the winner finalised on Feb. 17th. 如何翻? 还是有关tender的,这两个日期什么意思?别嫌烦,多谢了!

5.the put-call range offered by the bank was 15-18% on a fob basis.

6.the factory has already secured a buyer for 5000 tonnes of this material through a one-year contract.

7.... that these cuts may be feeding through. feeding through什么意思?

8.the annualised rate

9.it is dangerous to read too much into one months data。

10.the chinese production rates have levelled out before only to race higher afterwards.

11.in the immediate term


我只知道fob可以小写表示,然后force majeuer整个词组是合同中得“不可抗力”,其他得我得需要另外得时间慢慢帮你查,目前我没有空,对不起

1\FOB表示free on board ,装运港船上交货,那句话的意思是每吨500美元FOB澳大利亚.