
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/09/03 14:49:40
中国哲学讲求"虚",中国文化注重"神似",如国画追求"托物寄意", "物我两忘",多模糊曲笔, 以达到形神兼备。而西方哲学讲"实",西方文 化讲究科学精确,如西洋油画十分注重描写对象的比例准确以 给人真实的感觉。 这种文化气质理所当然地会反映在颜色词中。"

Chinese philosophy about " but ", " similar " focus on Chinese culture, such as traditional Chinese painting are sent to care for " ", " " are my two forgotten more vague politics to achieve portraits. Western philosophy stresses " real " Western text of scientific precision, such as Western oil paintings very accurate to describe the proportion of the target to give real feeling. This will be reflected in the cultural atmosphere naturally colour word. "
