情浓大地电视剧:Louisiana Bill Comes Up Short ,如何翻译更地道,谢谢!

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/04 17:21:53

Louisiana 路易西安那州

bill 法案
Louisiana Bill Comes Up Short 意思是 路易西安那法案差一点就被通过/被颁布
On April 25th, the legislation failed to garner enough votes to pass through to the Senate. Coming up two votes short, the legislation, known as House Bill 1149, would have legalized charity tournament events and local "bar poker" tournaments throughout the state. The discussion of the bill perhaps was where the biggest battles were drawn and show the continued debate over poker in America today.
因为大意是 法案没有获得足够投票而以一点点之差早成未被通过.

come up short: 未能达到预期目标/愿望, 虽然没有完全失败, 但结果令人失望 to fail to meet expectations, to fall short of a goal or aspiration. Not to fail entirely, but to disappoint.

Louisiana 路易西安那州

bill 议案,法案

路易西安那法案差一点儿就被通过, ...
路易西安那法案功亏一篑, ...
路易西安那法案结果令人失望, ...
路易西安那法案未能达到预期目标, ...