
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/06 15:29:01
-美国的第八大城市 圣路易市是美国密苏里州东部的一个大城市,在美国居第八位。圣路易市的面积只有65平方公里。人口增长得很快,据有关资料记载,1940年为816048人,到1950年已达856796人,1970年的时候,仅市区就有622000人,1975年整个城市的人口发展到了241万,可谓是人口飞速发展的城市。 圣路易市在世界体育史上有著光辉的一页,第三届奥林匹克运动会曾于1904年7月1日至10月29日在此地举行。 圣路易市位于密西西比河的右岸河口以南大约6公里的地方。1764年法国人在此始建皮毛交易站,1803年归于美国。圣路易为河运要地,又是铁路、公路和航空的交叉处,所以它的工业相当发达,仅次于底特律的汽车工业。 圣路易是美国最大的皮毛市场,拥有飞机制造、电子、冶金、化学、石油、酿造及食品加工工业等。这个城市的文化教育设施很齐全,城市里植物园和公园也很多,它是一个吸引旅游者的城市。 圣路易岛是巴黎最美的岛屿,从17世纪起就是令人向往的住宅区,我觉得岛上最吸引人的地方,就是连结圣路易岛与西堤岛的圣路易桥(Pont St.Louis),因为总有身怀绝技的艺人或默剧表演,在桥头有超水准的演出,是聚集观光客人潮与欢笑的地方,站在圣路易桥上,同时也是眺望万神庙的绝佳位置。 面对桥的Jean du Bellay街转角,有岛上最时髦的咖啡店-岛中花神(Flore en l'Ile),隔壁就是闻名遐迩的Berthillon冰淇淋店之一,岛上总共有3家Berthillon冰淇淋店,它的本店是在岛上的主要街道圣路易岛街(Rue St Louisen I'Ile)的31号,另一家店面则位于双桥街上(Rue du Deux Ponts),Berthillon的水果冰淇淋最知名,不论何时经过总会看到大排长龙的队伍,买1球为10法朗,2球为17法郎,3球为22法郎,那当然是买个3球才划算又吃的过瘾。 整条圣路易岛街上,沿街有许多高级的小酒馆式餐厅,小巧的空间规划,洋溢着温馨迷人的旧时光,还有不少精致的咖啡馆、画廊、服饰店,值得细细浏览寻宝。在78号就有1家名叫Maria Jose Navarro的女性流行服饰及饰品店,店里头的丝巾与锡制项鍊最让我爱不释手,又刚好碰到打折期,所以就抱了一堆的丝巾及项鍊回来,分送亲朋好友。 当我逛完圣路易岛街右转双桥街,再右转至欧雷昂河堤(Quai d'Orleans)回到塞纳河畔时,突然发觉如果能够住在这样的一个岛上,看着这样的一条街,面对着这样的一条河,只要打开窗户就可看到圣母院的美景,如果能够这样过完我的下半辈子,我情愿再失恋心碎一次。
密苏里圣路易大学 大学全名:University of Missouri at St.Louis地址:Director of Admissions,Undergraduate of Missouri at St.Louis,8001 Natural Bridge Road,St.Louis,MO63121,U.S.A.学生人数:10737海外生百分比:1%平均入学标准:海外生须具TOFFL550分。 评介: 密苏里大学系统(University of Missouri System)是由四所大学联合组成,该四所大学分别座落于哥伦比亚(Columbia)、罗拉(Rolla)、圣路易(St.Louis)和堪萨斯城(Kansas City)。 这尼介绍的密苏里圣路易大学,是一所四年制公立大学,成立于1963年,获《美国新闻与世界报道》评为四级国家级大学,全美学术排名(Academic Reputation Ranking)第183。大学每年用于每名学生身上的经费为6429美元。 最多学生选修的学科,依次是:商科管理(49%)、健康科学(14%)、教育(12%)、社会科学(10%)、心理学(6%)。据《Barron’s Best Colleges》指出,最好的学科是商科、化学、物理、数学及生物。




St. Louis
- U.S. eight major cities St. Louis, Missouri, United States, is a major east in the United States in eighth place. St. Louis City area only 65 square kilometres. Population increased rapidly, according to the records, 1940 to 816,048 people in 1950 reached 856796, 1970, there were 622,000 people only urban, 1975, the entire city's population to 241 million, it is the rapid development of urban population. St. Louis city in the world has a glorious page in the history of sports, the third Olympic Games in 1904 年 1 July to 29 October here. St. Louis right bank of the Mississippi River south of the city located approximately 6 kilometres. 1764 Frenchman in the built enough transactions stations in 1803 to the United States. For the river to St. Louis, is by rail, road and air the intersection, its well-developed industry, second only to Detroit's auto industry. St. Louis is the largest U.S. market enough with aircraft manufacturing, electronics, metallurgy, chemical, oil, brewing and food processing industries. The city education facilities is complete, there are many cities Botanical Garden and Park, it is a city to attract tourists. Paris St. Louis Island is the best island, from the seventeenth century onwards is a matter for the residential areas, I think the most attractive of the island is in the area between St. Louis and Sai Tai Island island St. Louis Bridge (Pont St.), since there are kitted skills of the artists or mime performances, in a super-Kiu Tau standard performances, Guests are gathered tourist flows and laughter place in St. Louis bridge, but also across the 10,000 shrines excellent location. Jean du Bellay face Bridge Street corner, the most fashionable coffee stores on the island, the island of flowers God (Flore en l 'Ile), the famous Berthillon ice cream shop next door is one of the island a total of three Berthillon ice cream shop, Its availability is the main street in St. Louis on the island Island Street (Rue St. Louisen I 'Ile) 31, another woman in the street are shops (Rue du Deux Ponts), the most renowned Berthillon ice cream fruit, and whenever a team always see long queues, 10 franc to buy one ball, two balls for 17 francs to 22 francs three balls, then roll three balls is the only effective and satisfied eating. The whole of the island of St. Louis streets and weary, there are many small bars High-restaurants, delicate spatial planning and permeated with a warm and charming old time, there are many exquisite coffee shops, art galleries, clothing stores, deserves careful browse treasure. 1 in 78 homes have named Maria Jose Navarro female pop costumes and ornaments shop, the shop first with tin silk scarf I can not put most of knives, and just when discounted period, so it holds a lot of silk scarf and pulled back, to relatives and friends. When I walk Island Street to turn right onto St. Louis Street woman, and then turn right to Ouleiang embankments (Quai d 'Orleans) to potentially nad, suddenly found that if they could live in such an island, watching the street, with the river, as long as Notre Dame opened windows you can see the beauty, If I can do Guo End of half of a lifetime, I would be a sad failure. Missouri St. Louis University full name : University of Missouri at St. address : Director of Admissions,Undergraduate of Missouri at St.. 8001 Natural Bridge Road,St.Louis,MO63121,U.S.A. number of students : 10,737 percentage of overseas students : 1% average enrolment criteria : overseas students must have TOFFL550 hours. Evaluated : University of Missouri System (University of Missouri System) was formed jointly by the four universities, the four universities are located in Colombia (Columbia), Rolla (Rolla), St. Louis (St.) and Kansas City (Kansas City). University of Missouri St. Louis on the Niger, is a four-year public universities, was founded in 1963, by "U.S. News and World Report" as Grade 4 national universities across academic ranks (Academic Reputation Ranking) 183. University students each year for funding for 6429 dollars. Most students elective subjects, followed by : Commerce Management (49%), health sciences (14%), education (12%), social sciences (10%), psychology (6%). According to "Barron 's Best Colleges> noted that the best discipline is commercial, chemistry, physics, mathematics and biological. University is the largest part-time students with special number, they are mostly "evening" students. The deadline for applications is annually on July 1, a total of 1950 people before 1912 applications for 1247 admission numbers, is quite easy to obtain.

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