
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/04 05:21:45

Agriculture is is affect by natural condition, the ecosystem environment bigger industry, also is more the lower foundation industry of income.Face the dual check and supervision of the natural risk, the market risk, be the government support and protect one of a policy contentses of the agriculture, the agriculture insurance is extensive concern by the government and social public.The formation and developments of the agriculture insurance are an importance markings that the agriculture economy develops the level.But take a wide view the present condition of the our country agriculture insurance, the not difficult detection our country agriculture insurance faces the policy target and commercial target of the managements mutually self-contradict, lack to supply effectively, follow-up need shortage, and face the funds missing, the talented person is short of to wait the embarrassed problem.This text passes the study to these problems to thus put forward the homologous opinion and suggestions.

Agriculture is a large business affected by natural casues and environments, it is also a business with low profits. It faces both natural disaster and market crisis, As part of the government supported and agriculture protecting "Green-box" strategy, Agricultural insurance has been the center of attention of governments and media worlds. The forming and development of agricultural insurance is a landmark in the development of agriculture. But from our country's agricultural insurance state, it isn't hard to notice that our country's agricultural insurance faces pressure from political and economical targets, there's a lack of supplies, and a lack of funds, and lack of personnels. This article will discuss the mentioned ideas and plans through these questions

Agriculture is a industry largely impacted by the natural condition and ecological environment, meanwhile a low-profit fundmental industy, confronting a double restriction of natural
risk andn market risk.
Agriculture insurance, as one of the "Green Box" policies for government to support and protect agriculture, has been widely concerned by governments and social circles. The form and development of agriculture insurance is a significant mark of the developing level of agricultural economy。
Viewing the situation of agriculture insurance, however, it's not hard to find out the contradict between policy target, the agriculture insurance is now facing, and commercializational management target, as well the lack effetive supply, shortage of subsequent demand, moreover, the awkward problems of shortage of fund and talents.
The article is going to brint up the opnions and advices corresponding to the questions mentioned above.



Agriculture is a major primary industry influenced by natural conditions and ecological environment, and has relatively low returns. In the face of the two constraints, namely, unpredictable natural disasters and investment risk, agricultural insurance, one of the measures in the “Green Box” policy- a government plan to support and protect the agricultural industry- has received much attention from the media. The introduction of agricultural insurance is an important indicator of the level of development in agriculture. However, on examining the current development of agricultural insurance in our country, various problems are evident, such as the conflicting aims of the policy of agricultural insurance and commercialization of the agricultural industry, shortage of supplies, lack of capital and skilled professionals. In view of these problems, I shall go on to discuss and suggest possible solutions.

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