
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/05 14:10:59
1、解放军战士救出了被洪水围困的村民 这真令人感动 surround
2、村民们住进新居已有三个月了 settle
3、不带礼物去参加婚礼时不礼貌的 wedding
4、今天是四月三十日 我已经请了假去参加爷爷的葬礼 burial
5、做进出口贸易很有挑战性 challenging

1.It is very moving that the PLA soldiers saved the villigers surrounded by the flood.
2. It is three monthes since the villigers settled in their new houses.
3. It is impolite to attend a wedding without present.
4. It is April 30, and I have asked a leave to attend my grandpa's burial.
5. It is challenging to do export and import trade.
6. It takes only half an hour to ride a bike from the centre of the city to the house holding the party.