
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/08 08:59:40
It is proposed that as members of society, non-disabled parents of disabled children are likely to hold negative prevailing views of disability, as discussed above. Where families reappraise their view of disability to one promoting a positive identity for their child,similar to the views expressed in the affirmation model of disability, then their parenting
is as likely to be as effective as with non-disabled children. That is to say, non-disabled
children too present with behaviour problems such as tantrums, aggression and noncompliance with parental requests, and issues around disability are of course not the
only possible source of problems within a family.

给你翻译了一下,句子修饰了一下.中间有一句真够猛的,是中国人写的吧?还有那个affirmation model是一个术语应该,我给你翻译的是"肯定模式",但我不知道具体怎么翻译,你要找学这个专业的人问

像上文已经讨论过的一样,做为社会成员,家里有残疾孩子而自己无残疾的父母更加倾向于对残疾怀有一种否定的主要观点.当家庭重新审视他们对于给自己孩子一个积极的定位的对残疾的观点,这种观点就像在残疾的"肯定模式"中表达过的,那么,他们对残疾孩子的抚养将会变的跟没有残疾子女的家长一样有效. 也就是说,即使是没有残疾的儿童也经常表现出一些行为问题,比如对于家长的要求表现的暴躁,反抗和不服从. 那么家庭中出现的问题并不能完全归咎于残疾问题.