
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/02 19:58:13

it is too long. i cut down a few countries. if u want i can send it to u. let me know.

A tip (also known as a gratuity) is an amount of payment to certain service sector professionals which is in addition to the advertised bill or fee. These payments and their size are a matter of social custom. In India, Middle-East Asia and Egypt, Bosnia-Herzegovina, tips are known as Backshish or Bakshish.

There are no universal rules or obligations concerning whether to tip (tip is both a noun and a verb), who to tip or how much. Tipping varies from culture to culture and by service industry. In some situations tipping can be considered rude or demeaning. In other situations it can be considered very stingy not to give a tip. Giving a very small tip can be considered worse than giving nothing, and can be used as a deliberate snub.

Some establishments forbid their employees to accept tips. Others pool tips and divide them to include employees who lack customer contact. In some jurisdictions, tipped workers qualify for a lower statutory minimum wage from the employer, who must make up any deficiency in tips. For example, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires employers of restaurants to ensure that the total tip income reported to them during any pay period is at least 8% of their total receipts for that period. If the reported total is less than 8% (about half of 15% that is customarily given by customers), employers must allocate the difference between the actual tip income reported and 8% of gross receipts. [1]

Bribery may be disguised as tipping (leading to social customs such as police officers never accepting tips to combat this pattern).
In general, in the European Union and other parts of Europe, adding 5% to 10% to a restaurant bill is common, though there are regional variations.

In Austria, waiters receive sufficient wages, although this has not always been the case. Tipping is however very common and although legally not mandatory it is often considered as socially obligatory. Giving 5% to 10% of the total amount is common, more signals exceptionally good service. Paying a multiple of a Euro is usual, for low sums the amount paid is often a multiple of 50 Cents (i.e. a bill of Euro 7.80 can be paid as Euro 8 or Euro 8.50).

Giving no tip at all is considered impolite and is only done when the service is bad. Tipping is common in any bar and restaurant, but not when the goods are exchanged over the counter (i.e. in fast-food restaurants or at street stalls). Traditionally, the owner of a restaurant (known as "Wirt" in German) does not receive a tip. However, this tradition is less common nowadays.

A tip is known in the German language as Trinkgeld, which literally translates as 'money for drink'. In similar fashion, the French expression is pourboire.

The Czech Republic
Although it is customary to tip in The Czech Republic, it has very little to do with the size of the bill, and more to do with a sign of appreciation. Most often you will round up to the next even number, or if the bill happens to be even (which is very common) you would offer a coin or two.

Denmark, Sweden and Norway
The service charge is included in the bill, but a small tip may be given as a sign of approval of the service.

In Finland tipping is entirely optional. In taxis, restaurants, and bars you can round up the bill by a couple of euro or 5-10%, especially if the service has been exceptional. Except for the finest restaurants you can leave a few euro of your change at the table when leaving. Even the best hotels rarely help with your luggage so that the only helper may be your cab driver (1-2 Euros per piece). Coat checkers generally have a compulsory service fee.

Tips are preferred in cash instead of credit cards, because of avoiding sharing with the employer and with the tax office.

For clerks, police, etc. tipping is not allowed, and could lead to legal problems.

In France, service charge is always included and tipping is usually not expected.

In Germany, sufficient wages are paid to most service employees. However, in bars, restaurants and taxicabs tips are expected to be 5% to 10% of the total amount if the guest was satisfied with the service. When the bill is presented, pay any multiple of a Euro. Replying with a new total "nice" figure and asking for change in full Euros, no Cents, is okay. Restroom attendants are commonly tipped €0.50 if not indicated otherwise.

In Iceland tipping is practically unheard of except when a customer wants to show appreciation for exceptionally good service.

In the Republic of Ireland, tipping has not long been established as a custom, though has become much more commonplace in the period of increased wealth through the Celtic Tiger. Many people working in the service industry, particularly in restaurants, would expect a tip. It is increasingly common to tip in hairdressers/barbers and for a taxi ride, the fare would normally be rounded up. It is not customary to tip bar staff, or any 'over the counter' server, though often waiters in pubs (known as Lounge Girls/Boys) are tipped a token amount. It is not usual to tip in a restaurant when a service charge is included (which is the norm for large groups), except in the case of exceptional service. Where no service charge is indicated, a tip of about 10% - 12% is appropriate for good service.

Tipping in Italy is almost absent today, and is seen as an odd, very old-fashioned custom. However it is likely that in most restaurants and hotels small tips, although never expected nor asked, will be happily accepted, especially from foreigners. Most Italians don't like to tip, and find the custom very annoying when visiting places like the United States where tipping is customary.

Tipping is not the custom in Slovenia and it is almost never done.

In Spain, expected tips at restaurants are usually from 5% to 10% of the total amount. This also applies to Latin America.

Swiss workers enjoy a very high per capita income and minimum wage. As a result of this and modern cultural influences, tipping is typically low (ex. max. CHF5 regardless of bill size), if not non-existant. Tipping is also very rare outside of restaurants and is even rare at bars.

United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom tipping is common in restaurants (assuming a service charge is not already included), though no tip is expected in pubs (however, regulars may offer occasionally to buy a drink for a bartender). Taxis are sometimes tipped, but otherwise tips are usually only given for exceptional service (the expected percentage is rarely more than 10% and frequently less).

Tipping is not common in Asia, though there are regional variations.

In China, traditionally you don't have to tip at restaurants or hotels. But businesses that cater to foreign tourists may accept your tip if you insist. In five-star international hotels, porters are tipped.

Tipping is not the custom in Japan and it is almost never done.

Hong Kong
Tipping in Hong Kong is a face-saving activity but it can also be a legal issue in some occasions. While waiters, who have already received compulsory 10% service charge, may feel weird if customers refuse to pay any voluntary tipping, but in another occasion, a woman was convicted of tipping staff of Hong Kong Telecom and breaching the ordinance for corruption. No one-for-the-all guideline for tipping.

Restaurant: mostly added 10% service, but expected to round the bill. For enhaustic service, at least HK$10 may be needed. In luxury restaurant, it is common to pay HK$20 to HK$100 or even more.
Fast food and local food shop: no single tipping is needed, not even expected to round the bill.
Utility company: no tip; it may breach a strict ordinance for corruption
Hair Salon: Tipping is not compulsory and not even a custom for all, but some may pay $10 to $30 to maintain good relation with hair stylists.
Massage: tipping is common, HK$20 to $100 may be paid, depending on occasions.
Taxi: driver customarily round the bill. No matter how long is the trip, extra tipping is not expected to local people.
Cinema: tipping is weird.
Bar: tipping is not a norm, some may round the bill.
Hotel: service charge is always included, but bell-boy may expect small gratuity.
Food delivery service: it is becoming less common to expect tipping, but staff from a non-chain shops may round the bill.
Mover: tipping is always expected, around HK$100 per head. Refusal to pay tipping will be no different than making a formal complaint.
Restroom: tipping is never expected.
Tipping is not customarily done in Malaysia. However, individuals will gratefully accept any tips you give them for their exceptional service.

Tipping is not required in Singapore; however it is common for restaurants to levy a 10% service charge. Taxis will usually return your change to the last cent, or even round in your favour if they find it inconvenient to dig for change.

South Korea
Tipping is not the custom in South Korea and it is almost never done.

In Taiwan tipping is practically unheard of except when a customer uses a porter at an airport, which is usually 50 new Taiwan dollars per luggage, or wants to show appreciation for exceptionally good service. Many restaurants and hotels already add 10-percent service charges [4]. Taxi drivers may not willfully refuse to make changes or ask for tips.

In Australia, tipping is traditionally not common and, beyond the hospitality industry, almost no service providers will expect a tip. Employers pay a sufficient wage and do not expect employees to supplement their income with tips. However tipping is becoming increasingly common at some establishments (particularly restaurants, cafes, upmarket hotels, and nightclubs) in cities such as Gold Coast, Sydney or Melbourne, with 15% expected for exceptional service. In recent decades, tip jars have increasingly become common in hospitality establishments, even in suburban areas of these cities. However, even in these establishments, tipping is often still seen as being an optional personal choice. Taxi drivers are traditionally given the small change when paying in cash, although a tip would not be expected when using a credit card as the total would include a service charge.

Tipping in Egypt can be tricky. Most public bathrooms are staffed, and visitors are expected to tip the attendant. Some restroom attendants, especially at tourist sites, will dole out toilet paper based on the tip you give them. Some locals have been known to attempt to demand backshish for minor services, such as assisting people out of their cars or helping people up if they trip in the street. There is no rule for what is considered tip-worthy, so be ready to hand out an Egyptian pound or two just to use the bathroom or to get into a building. People can be extremely aggressive in their demands for backshish, so be prepared for an uncomfortable situation if you decide not to acquiesce. For professional services, such as tour guides or translators, a tip of 20% or more is generally accepted, and for taxis and restaurants, 10-15%.

Even though tipping is not the custom in Mauritius, individuals will gratefully accept any tips you give them for their exceptional service.

New Zealand
Tipping as of habit is not part of New Zealand culture and is often treated with suspicion or actively frowned upon, as many people look upon it as a largely American custom that over-compensates certain professions while others are left out. Despite this, some forms of tipping are quite common, such as rounding up a taxi fare. It is almost as likely, however, that the taxi driver will round the fare down. Occasionally tips are given in a restaurant for exceptional service, and even then the waiter might insist that the tip be given back.

New Zealanders who visit North America often state that one of their greatest annoyances is their unfamiliarity with the custom of tipping, and often say that bellhops and bartenders in particular expect entirely too much money for relatively little extra work
United States
Tipping in the United States is theoretically optional, but has become so ingrained in the culture that it is considered mandatory. The wide variety of professions, in addition to the varying percentages and amounts which are expected of each profession, arguably gives the United States the distinction of having the most common (and complicated) tipping culture in the world.

Waiters 15% is generally accepted as a fair tip for good service. Due to the rise in the cost of living, dish prices have risen over the years, so inflation takes care of keeping a fair tip at 15%. (When dining at a 4-star restaurant or when dining as part of a large party a larger tip (>15%) is expected.)
Busser (Tip generally not expected, as tip sharing with the waiters sometimes occurs)
Hotel bellman/bellhop/porters ($1 to $2 per bag)
Hotel maids ($2 per day)
Hotel room service (15-20%; Same as restaurant gratuity below.)
Hotel concierge ($5 to $10)
Hotel doorman ($1 per bag for help with luggage; $1 for hailing a cab)
Sommeliers (15% of the cost of the bottle)
Bartenders ($1 per drink or 15% of bar bill)
Restroom attendant ($0.50 to $1)
Taxicab drivers (15%)
limo drivers (15-25%)
Valet parking attendants ($1 to $2 upon both arrival and departure)
Hairdressers/barbers (10% in small towns, 15-20% in cities; Tip is expected whether the stylist is the proprietor or not.)
Manicurist (15%)
Spa service (15-20%)
Pizza (and other food) deliverypersons (10% of total, at least $2. The deliverer pays for his or her fuel. Many drivers are contractors who receive no hourly wage.)
Curbside luggage handlers at airports ($1 per bag)
Coat checker ($1 per coat)
Ski instructors (sometimes, especially when giving a private lesson)
Piercers and tattoo artists
Movers ($5 to $10 per mover)
Large or heavy deliveries ($5 to $10 per person)
Shoe shiners
Tour Guides/Tour Bus operators (only private guides)
Karaoke disc jockey ($1 per song)
Mechanical bull operator ($1 per ride)
Golf Caddies
Employees in occupations where tipping is common typically receive very low salaries and receive the bulk of their compensation as tip.

At a restaurant
Gratuity is properly 15% for restaurant meals, >15% for very good service. Many restaurants will automatically add a gratuity of 15-20% to the bill for large parties (often defined as 8 or more people) — if this is done the amount should be clearly indicated on the check as a "gratuity" or "service charge". In this case no additional tip is required to be added to the total, but is appreciated if the service was excellent. The built in gratuity is part of the bill, and not paying the tip may be subject to the same consequences as "skipping out" on a bill. In the case of poor service, many choose to leave a tip but also to speak with the manager or supervisor on duty.

Tipping at buffets is not common, since buffet workers are paid a fixed wage and do not depend on tips.

Sometimes, the menu offers tipping information as a guide to patrons. If a diner is unsure of how much to tip a server, often the gratuity stated on the menu is the appropriate percentage to apply.

When dining out, contact with the server is only one part of a chain of events that occurs when food is ordered. If food is prepared incorrectly or takes too long, it is often the fault of the kitchen, whose staff may receive no part of the tip. In some restaurants, however, the kitchen staff share in the tips.

At many establishments, the server must tip out members of the support staff (kitchen, bartender, and busser) at the end of their shift [5]. The amount that is tipped out is often determined by a certain percentage of the server's sales. Thus when a patron leaves a very small tip or no tip at all, it actually results in the server having to pay money to have served the non-tipping patron.[6]

If service is truly poor, it is best to contact management.

Many people believe that it is unreasonable for servers to expect a tip, or that they should not have to leave a tip. Often times the explanation given for this stems from the belief that it should not be the patron's responsibility to pay their servers wage for them, that their wage for service should not be dependant on the price of the meal, or that if the server needs more money then they should find a job that pays more. Arguments sometimes given against this are that most servers in the United States make (excluding tips) just enough money to cover the cost of their taxes (usually around $2.15/hr) often resulting in a pay check of under $50.00 for two weeks of work, or even a $0.00 (or voided) pay check. However, by law all waiters even out at making minimum wage, so this claim is false. Some believe that this would cause food costs to double. This is untrue, because a doubling in a cost of foods outside of the homestead would provide a surge in sales in grocery and fast food establishments. Moreover, the fact that waitressing is one of the most common jobs in the United States is indicative that paying little more than minimum wage would still provide restaurants with a large labor force. However, there could be a decrease in the quality of service, which restaurants would most likely take care of with bonuses.

At a bar
When at a bar, and receiving good or above service, it is customary to tip $1.00 per drink. Some drinks, such as Macallan 25, which can be more than $35.00 for a single neat shot, could deserve more. This is arguable however, as it is just as easy to pour this shot as a shot of well vodka. For a pitcher of beer, which usually contains around four beers, a tip of $2.00 is reasonable. If you are drinking a soda (at an actual drinking establishment, not a restaurant), a tip is still a good idea, but it is acceptable to tip every other drink, or on every third. Bartenders and cocktail waitresses depend on tips for a salary, and better tipping is almost always rewarded with better service.

Holiday season
Many service staff are tipped annually during the winter holiday season (often called a "Christmas bonus"), such as house cleaners and pool cleaners. Some people also tip their local mail carrier in this manner (see government workers below).

In some large cities, the staff of apartment buildings, such as building superintendents, porters, concierges and doormen, expect an annual tip from residents during the holiday season. The amount to tip varies on the occupation of the person receiving the tip and the size and wealth of the building; most residents typically budget $75 to $200 in total each year for building holiday tips. Building staff also expect tips for performing services not normally part of their jobs, such as watering a plant or running an errand.

Government workers
Under United States federal law it is considered bribery to tip government workers. In some cases a potential tipper can donate money to a charity related to the government agency. For example, most National Parks have related "natural history associations". In which case the worker that prompted the "tip" may appreciate hearing that their service prompted a donation.


it is too long. i cut down a few countries. if u want i can send it to u. let me know.

A tip (also known as a gratuity) is an amount of payment to certain service sector professionals which is in addition to the advertised bill or fee. These payments and their size are a matter of social custom. In India, Middle-East Asia and Egypt, Bosnia-Herzegovina, tips are known as Backshish or Bakshish.

There are no universal rules or obligations concerning whether to tip (tip is both a noun and a verb), who to tip or how much. Tipping varies from culture to culture and by service industry. In some situations tipping can be considered rude or demeaning. In other situations it can be considered very stingy not to give a tip. Giving a very small tip can be considered worse than giving nothing, and can be used as a deliberate snub.

Some establishments forbid their employees to accept tips. Others pool tips and divide them to include employees who lack customer contact. In some jurisdictions, tipped workers qualify for a lower statutory minimum wage from the employer, who must make up any deficiency in tips. For example, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires employers of restaurants to ensure that the total tip income reported to them during any pay period is at least 8% of their total receipts for that period. If the reported total is less than 8% (about half of 15% that is customarily given by customers), employers must allocate the difference between the actual tip income reported and 8% of gross receipts. [1]

Bribery may be disguised as tipping (leading to social customs such as police officers never accepting tips to combat this pattern).
In general, in the European Union and other parts of Europe, adding 5% to 10% to a restaurant bill is common, though there are regional variations.

In Austria, waiters receive sufficient wages, although this has not always been the case. Tipping is however very common and although legally not mandatory it is often considered as socially obligatory. Giving 5% to 10% of the total amount is common, more signals exceptionally good service. Paying a multiple of a Euro is usual, for low sums the amount paid is often a multiple of 50 Cents (i.e. a bill of Euro 7.80 can be paid as Euro 8 or Euro 8.50).

Giving no tip at all is considered impolite and is only done when the service is bad. Tipping is common in any bar and restaurant, but not when the goods are exchanged over the counter (i.e. in fast-food restaurants or at street stalls). Traditionally, the owner of a restaurant (known as "Wirt" in German) does not receive a tip. However, this tradition is less common nowadays.

A tip is known in the German language as Trinkgeld, which literally translates as 'money for drink'. In similar fashion, the French expression is pourboire.

The Czech Republic
Although it is customary to tip in The Czech Republic, it has very little to do with the size of the bill, and more to do with a sign of appreciation. Most often you will round up to the next even number, or if the bill happens to be even (which is very common) you would offer a coin or two.

Denmark, Sweden and Norway
The service charge is included in the bill, but a small tip may be given as a sign of approval of the service.

In Finland tipping is entirely optional. In taxis, restaurants, and bars you can round up the bill by a couple of euro or 5-10%, especially if the service has been exceptional. Except for the finest restaurants you can leave a few euro of your change at the table when leaving. Even the best hotels rarely help with your luggage so that the only helper may be your cab driver (1-2 Euros per piece). Coat checkers generally have a compulsory service fee.

Tips are preferred in cash instead of credit cards, because of avoiding sharing with the employer and with the tax office.

For clerks, police, etc. tipping is not allowed, and could lead to legal problems.

In France, service charge is always included and tipping is usually not expected.

In Germany, sufficient wages are paid to most service employees. However, in bars, restaurants and taxicabs tips are expected to be 5% to 10% of the total amount if the guest was satisfied with the service. When the bill is presented, pay any multiple of a Euro. Replying with a new total "nice" figure and asking for change in full Euros, no Cents, is okay. Restroom attendants are commonly tipped €0.50 if not indicated otherwise.

In Iceland tipping is practically unheard of except when a customer wants to show appreciation for exceptionally good service.

In the Republic of Ireland, tipping has not long been established as a custom, though has become much more commonplace in the period of increased wealth through the Celtic Tiger. Many people working in the service industry, particularly in restaurants, would expect a tip. It is increasingly common to tip in hairdressers/barbers and for a taxi ride, the fare would normally be rounded up. It is not customary to tip bar staff, or any 'over the counter' server, though often waiters in pubs (known as Lounge Girls/Boys) are tipped a token amount. It is not usual to tip in a restaurant when a service charge is included (which is the norm for large groups), except in the case of exceptional service. Where no service charge is indicated, a tip of about 10% - 12% is appropriate for good service.

Tipping in Italy is almost absent today, and is seen as an odd, very old-fashioned custom. However it is likely that in most restaurants and hotels small tips, although never expected nor asked, will be happily accepted, especially from foreigners. Most Italians don't like to tip, and find the custom very annoying when visiting places like the United States where tipping is customary.

Tipping is not the custom in Slovenia and it is almost never done.

In Spain, expected tips at restaurants are usually from 5% to 10% of the total amount. This also applies to Latin America.

Swiss workers enjoy a very high per capita income and minimum wage. As a result of this and modern cultural influences, tipping is typically low (ex. max. CHF5 regardless of bill size), if not non-existant. Tipping is also very rare outside of restaurants and is even rare at bars.

United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom tipping is common in restaurants (assuming a service charge is not already included), though no tip is expected in pubs (however, regulars may offer occasionally to buy a drink for a bartender). Taxis are sometimes tipped, but otherwise tips are usually only given for exceptional service (the expected percentage is rarely more than 10% and frequently less).

Tipping is not common in Asia, though there are regional variations.

In China, traditionally you don't have to tip at restaurants or hotels. But businesses that cater to foreign tourists may accept your tip if you insist. In five-star international hotels, porters are tipped.

Tipping is not the custom in Japan and it is almost never done.

Hong Kong
Tipping in Hong Kong is a face-saving activity but it can also be a legal issue in some occasions. While waiters, who have already received compulsory 10% service charge, may feel weird if customers refuse to pay any voluntary tipping, but in another occasion, a woman was convicted of tipping staff of Hong Kong Telecom and breaching the ordinance for corruption. No one-for-the-all guideline for tipping.

Restaurant: mostly added 10% service, but expected to round the bill. For enhaustic service, at least HK$10 may be needed. In luxury restaurant, it is common to pay HK$20 to HK$100 or even more.
Fast food and local food shop: no single tipping is needed, not even expected to round the bill.
Utility company: no tip; it may breach a strict ordinance for corruption
Hair Salon: Tipping is not compulsory and not even a custom for all, but some may pay $10 to $30 to maintain good relation with hair stylists.
Massage: tipping is common, HK$20 to $100 may be paid, depending on occasions.
Taxi: driver customarily round the bill. No matter how long is the trip, extra tipping is not expected to local people.
Cinema: tipping is weird.
Bar: tipping is not a norm, some may round the bill.
Hotel: service charge is always included, but bell-boy may expect small gratuity.
Food delivery service: it is becoming less common to expect tipping, but staff from a non-chain shops may round the bill.
Mover: tipping is always expected, around HK$100 per head. Refusal to pay tipping will be no different than making a formal complaint.
Restroom: tipping is never expected.
Tipping is not customarily done in Malaysia. However, individuals will gratefully accept any tips you give them for their exceptional service.

Tipping is not required in Singapore; however it is common for restaurants to levy a 10% service charge. Taxis will usually return your change to the last cent, or even round in your favour if they find it inconvenient to dig for change.

South Korea
Tipping is not the custom in South Korea and it is almost never done.

In Taiwan tipping is practically unheard of except when a customer uses a porter at an airport, which is usually 50 new Taiwan dollars per luggage, or wants to show appreciation for exceptionally good service. Many restaurants and hotels already add 10-percent service charges [4]. Taxi drivers may not willfully refuse to make changes or ask for tips.

In Australia, tipping is traditionally not common and, beyond the hospitality industry, almost no service providers will expect a tip. Employers pay a sufficient wage and do not expect employees to supplement their income with tips. However tipping is becoming increasingly common at some establishments (particularly restaurants, cafes, upmarket hotels, and nightclubs) in cities such as Gold Coast, Sydney or Melbourne, with 15% expected for exceptional service. In recent decades, tip jars have increasingly become common in hospitality establishments, even in suburban areas of these cities. However, even in these establishments, tipping is often still seen as being an optional personal choice. Taxi drivers are traditionally given the small change when paying in cash, although a tip would not be expected when using a credit card as the total would include a service charge.

Tipping in Egypt can be tricky. Most public bathrooms are staffed, and visitors are expected to tip the attendant. Some restroom attendants, especially at tourist sites, will dole out toilet paper based on the tip you give them. Some locals have been known to attempt to demand backshish for minor services, such as assisting people out of their cars or helping people up if they trip in the street. There is no rule for what is considered tip-worthy, so be ready to hand out an Egyptian pound or two just to use the bathroom or to get into a building. People can be extremely aggressive in their demands for backshish, so be prepared for an uncomfortable situation if you decide not to acquiesce. For professional services, such as tour guides or translators, a tip of 20% or more is generally accepted, and for taxis and restaurants, 10-15%.

Even though tipping is not the custom in Mauritius, individuals will gratefully accept any tips you give them for their exceptional service.

New Zealand
Tipping as of habit is not part of New Zealand culture and is often treated with suspicion or actively frowned upon, as many people look upon it as a largely American custom that over-compensates certain professions while others are left out. Despite this, some forms of tipping are quite common, such as rounding up a taxi fare. It is almost as likely, however, that the taxi driver will round the fare down. Occasionally tips are given in a restaurant for exceptional service, and even then the waiter might insist that the tip be given back.

New Zealanders who visit North America often state that one of their greatest annoyances is their unfamiliarity with the custom of tipping, and often say that bellhops and bartenders in particular expect entirely too much money for relatively little extra work
United States
Tipping in the United States is theoretically optional, but has become so ingrained in the culture that it is considered mandatory. The wide variety of professions, in addition to the varying percentages and amounts which are expected of each profession, arguably gives the United States the distinction of having the most common (and complicated) tipping culture in the world.

Waiters 15% is generally accepted as a fair tip for good service. Due to the rise in the cost of living, dish prices have risen over the years, so inflation takes care of keeping a fair tip at 15%. (When dining at a 4-star restaurant or when dining as part of a large party a larger tip (>15%) is expected.)
Busser (Tip generally not expected, as tip sharing with the waiters sometimes occurs)
Hotel bellman/bellhop/porters ($1 to $2 per bag)
Hotel maids ($2 per day)
Hotel room service (15-20%; Same as restaurant gratuity below.)
Hotel concierge ($5 to $10)
Hotel doorman ($1 per bag for help with luggage; $1 for hailing a cab)
Sommeliers (15% of the cost of the bottle)
Bartenders ($1 per drink or 15% of bar bill)
Restroom attendant ($0.50 to $1)
Taxicab drivers (15%)
limo drivers (15-25%)
Valet parking attendants ($1 to $2 upon both arrival and departure)
Hairdressers/barbers (10% in small towns, 15-20% in cities; Tip is expected whether the stylist is the proprietor or not.)
Manicurist (15%)
Spa service (15-20%)
Pizza (and other food) deliverypersons (10% of total, at least $2. The deliverer pays for his or her fuel. Many drivers are contractors who receive no hourly wage.)
Curbside luggage handlers at airports ($1 per bag)
Coat checker ($1 per coat)
Ski instructors (sometimes, especially when giving a private lesson)
Piercers and tattoo artists
Movers ($5 to $10 per mover)
Large or heavy deliveries ($5 to $10 per person)
Shoe shiners
Tour Guides/Tour Bus operators (only private guides)
Karaoke disc jockey ($1 per song)
Mechanical bull operator ($1 per ride)
Golf Caddies
Employees in occupations where tipping is common typically receive very low salaries and receive the bulk of their compensation as tip.

At a restaurant
Gratuity is properly 15% for restaurant meals, >15% for very good service. Many restaurants will automatically add a gratuity of 15-20% to the bill for large parties (often defined as 8 or more people) — if this is done the amount should be clearly indicated on the check as a "gratuity" or "service charge". In this case no additional tip is required to be added to the total, but is appreciated if the service was excellent. The built in gratuity is part of the bill, and not paying the tip may be subject to the same consequences as "skipping out" on a bill. In the case of poor service, many choose to leave a tip but also to speak with the manager or supervisor on duty.

Tipping at buffets is not common, since buffet workers are paid a fixed wage and do not depend on tips.

Sometimes, the menu offers tipping information as a guide to patrons. If a diner is unsure of how much to tip a server, often the gratuity stated on the menu is the appropriate percentage to apply.

When dining out, contact with the server is only one part of a chain of events that occurs when food is ordered. If food is prepared incorrectly or takes too long, it is often the fault of the kitchen, whose staff may receive no part of the tip. In some restaurants, however, the kitchen staff share in the tips.

At many establishments, the server must tip out members of the support staff (kitchen, bartender, and busser) at the end of their shift [5]. The amount that is tipped out is often determined by a certain percentage of the server's sales. Thus when a patron leaves a very small tip or no tip at all, it actually results in the server having to pay money to have served the non-tipping patron.[6]

If service is truly poor, it is best to contact management.

Many people believe that it is unreasonable for servers to expect a tip, or that they should not have to leave a tip. Often times the explanation given for this stems from the belief that it should not be the patron's responsibility to pay their servers wage for them, that their wage for service should not be dependant on the price of the meal, or that if the server needs more money then they should find a job that pays more. Arguments sometimes given against this are that most servers in the United States make (excluding tips) just enough money to cover the cost of their taxes (usually around $2.15/hr) often resulting in a pay check of under $50.00 for two weeks of work, or even a $0.00 (or voided) pay check. However, by law all waiters even out at making minimum wage, so this claim is false. Some believe that this would cause food costs to double. This is untrue, because a doubling in a cost of foods outside of the homestead would provide a surge in sales in grocery and fast food establishments. Moreover, the fact that waitressing is one of the most common jobs in the United States is indicative that paying little more than minimum wage would still provide restaurants with a large labor force. However, there could be a decrease in the quality of service, which restaurants would most likely take care of with bonuses.

At a bar
When at a bar, and receiving good or above service, it is customary to tip $1.00 per drink. Some drinks, such as Macallan 25, which can be more than $35.00 for a single neat shot, could deserve more. This is arguable however, as it is just as easy to pour this shot as a shot of well vodka. For a pitcher of beer, which usually contains around four beers, a tip of $2.00 is reasonable. If you are drinking a soda (at an actual drinking establishment, not a restaurant), a tip is still a good idea, but it is acceptable to tip every other drink, or on every third. Bartenders and cocktail waitresses depend on tips for a salary, and better tipping is almost always rewarded with better service.

Holiday season
Many service staff are tipped annually during the winter holiday season (often called a "Christmas bonus"), such as house cleaners and pool cleaners. Some people also tip their local mail carrier in this manner (see government workers below).

In some large cities, the staff of apartment buildings, such as building superintendents, porters, concierges and doormen, expect an annual tip from residents during the holiday season. The amount to tip varies on the occupation of the person receiving the tip and the size and wealth of the building; most residents typically budget $75 to $200 in total each year for building holiday tips. Building staff also expect tips for performing services not normally part of their jobs, such as watering a plant or running an errand.

Government workers
Under United States federal law it is considered bribery to tip government workers. In some cases a potential tipper can donate money to a charity related to the government agency. For example, most National Parks have related "natural history associations". In which case the worker that prompted the "tip" may appreciate hearing that their service prompted a donation.
