
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 06:57:13
It's easy to make your own Internet page .Ihe easier way is to use a special programme called a "web editor".You can find these programmes on the Internet.
First think about some things to put on your Internet page by looking at other people's pages. You need to put your Internet page on a bigger computer called a "host" which stores the pages so that other people can see them. These computers are owned by special Internet companies . Your programme may be able to help you find a host computer which you can use for free , but some companieswill charge money for this.
To make your Internet page , start up the programme and write some text in the window , then use the signs you can see on the computer to put in pictures and make the text larger or
smaller and change the way your page looks. You can also put photos on your Internet page. First, you need to put the photo in your compute, then use your mouse to move the photo to the place you want it .Choose the correct sign for putting photos onto the page,then find the name of you photo in your computer .When you're found it ,choose that one with your mouse and put your photo on your Internet page.
You can also put signs on your Internet page to join it to other people's pages. Visitors to your page can follow these signs to find out more about a subject.

