崩坏2无量塔姬子在哪里:寻求相关的中文资料 IPv4

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/09 05:30:55
IPv4 has lasted longer than expected with bandaid solutions
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
Aggregation of adjacent blocks of routes
Geographical assignment
Slowed growth of routing table
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Create private address space
Allows connections from but not to a device in the private address space
It does not work for some PTP applications : Video Conferencing, File Exchange
False sense of security

IPv4 比以 bandaid 解决期望已经比较久持续无阶级的在中间- 领域工作路线排定 (CIDR)毗连范围的路径集合地理的任务减慢了工作路线排定桌子的生长网络住址翻译 (NAT)产生私人的住址空间允许连接从但是不到私人的住址空间的一个装置它不为一些 PTP 申请工作 :视讯会议, 申请交换假安全感