
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 14:02:50
In Burma and Laos, the Chinese currency is a hard substitute for weak local currencies like the Burmese kyat and Laotian kip. The blackmarket rate for the kyat is as low as 1,000 to the dollar, from 250-300 in 1997. The official rate of the kip has slipped from 960 to 10,500 in the same period. More conveniently, the renminbi can be used for purchases and any kind of deal across the Chinese border.
Cross-border trade has increased in recent years. Consumer goods, machinery and fruit come in from China; timber, minerals and smuggled cars leave Burma, Laos and Thailand. All these transactions,amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars in annual value, are settled in renminbi--greatly helped by lax controls over carrying currency in and out of China. An official from the Yunnan provincial
government told a recent Asia Society conference in Hanoi that more than a million people crossed the border with Vietnam in the previous 15 months.
Along the Thai banks of the Mekong River, Chinese traders from Yunnan do business without converting their renminbi into Thai baht. All over Thailand, an underground banking network enables traders to transfer funds in and out of the Chinese currency. A similar system works in the Pearl River Delta region connecting Hong Kong with
Guangdong province. Says Marc Faber, one of Asia's most experienced financial analysts: "The renminbi is the strongest currency in Asia right now; the problem is there isn't enough of it in circulation."

在缅甸和老挝,中国的货币是当地弱势货币取代硬如缅甸、老挝缅甸硖. 黑市的汇率为缅甸低至1000美元,降至1997年. 官方率有所下降,从9600到10500硖同期. 更方便,人民币可用于购买任何一种跨越中国边境协议. 跨境贸易近年有所上升. 消费品、机械和水果从中国来的. 木材、矿产、走私汽车离开缅甸、老挝和泰国. 所有这些交易已达数亿美元的年度值,是解决人民币--大有帮助宽松货币携带管制进出中国. 云南省官员 政府最近对亚洲协会会议在河内举行,有100多万人跨过中越边境上的15个月. 沿湄公河的泰银行、中国云南商人做生意的人民币转换成泰铢. 泰国各地,地下银行网络让商人把资金进出中国的货币. 类似的系统工程珠江三角洲地区与香港连接 广东省. 三月引述说,亚洲最有经验的金融分析师:"人民币是亚洲目前最大的货币; 问题是它没有足够的流通. "