
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/14 17:25:16


(1) "In linguistics," the traditional definition American linguist Whorf in the 1941 first use "contrast Linguistics" this term, after gradually formed a "contrast Linguistics" traditional definition, namely : research, a total contrast between the different language linguistics. In the early 1950s to the mid 1960s in the United States were to flourish. The late 1960s, Applied Linguistics cognitive psychology linguistics and language teaching by the impact of the gradual shift to the study of language learned process, the 1970s, the wrong analysis in a comparative analysis and replaced by the great development in Europe. (2) "In linguistics," theoretic • academy President in his 1942 and 1982 edition of "Chinese grammar outline" of volumes produced 585,000 that "only a law can be seen in various languages common point performance and special point." • Mr. Li in his 1985 edition of the "modern Chinese grammar," pointed out that foreign language teaching "in the most effective way is the comparison of Chinese and foreign language teaching." Therefore, it is through contrast, we can deepen the understanding of language contrast, but also for the entire in-depth study of linguistics, the language of some theory. In the application, in contrast Linguistics foreign language teaching, translation, bilingual dictionary compilation have a direct guidance. (3) In the latest development trends Linguistics Xu Yulong, in its 1987 edition of the "contrast Linguistics Program," a book that the foreword : Currently, the contrast Linguistics been applied to a large extent the teaching of foreign language analysis and comparison and analysis of the mistakes, the present stage of the recent trends are : 1. Linguistics study theoretical contrast increased 2. More emphasis on the application of comparative studies with other Applied Linguistics study combined 3. In areas from the traditional voice, grammar contrast to the chapter, the phrase used with expansion 4. Linguistics itself contrast to some theoretical, methodological issues explored in-depth.

so long...

Oh,my god.....