gtx550ti和gtx950m:请English高手帮忙翻译 谢谢!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/03 22:59:29
This article describes an approach towards a comprehensive study of distributed control strategies in complex general steady conveyors which are controlled by decentralised hubs. A material flow model which has been abstracted and extended on the basis of irreducible transport hubs set the basis for the development of an assistant system which is studied and evaluated below.
The problem
Unlike in a centrally controlled conveyor system the flow rate and the distribution of transport times of a decentrally controlled system can be determined by simulation prior to the realisation. Thanks to their precise representation event-discrete material flow simulators are especiallysuitable for the simulation of complex conveyor systems. System models can easily be developed with pre-configured model elements and the process is programmed according to the model. This programming includes the routing at branchings and the sequencing of goods flows at junctions. Both program parts may be statical or dynamical. Statical strategies are simple handling rules at junctions or f ixed routing rules. Depending on the function the number of such rules is limited.Dynamical strategies furthermore include the recording of the load status in plant components in order to be able to react to fluctuating flow rates.
Dynamical, i.e. load-adaptive strategies may have an important effect on the flow rate and result in a better system behaviour than statical strategies. It is quite difficult, however, to program and
Carry out the simulation with adaptive strategies because iterative simulation processes arerequired and the basic strategies have to be adapted to achieve an optimized plant behaviour [Bramel97]. In case of complex models with a large number of model elements this requires extensive adaptations and a long simulation time [Fowler04].

In addition to an event-discrete just-in- time modelling conveyor processes can also be represented in a location-discrete way. In this representation the sections of a conveyor system are divided into i segments with a length of lk (k ∈ [1;i]) which may be occupied by a transport object. A conveyor process is the synchronised moving of an object along the segments. Because the segments may be randomly short the representation can be as exact in the location and time area as in an event-discrete simulation. The time base T of this movement is constant and is carried out synchronously for all segments. The conveyor speed vk in a segment k is Vk=Lk/t.

这一个文章在被控制的复杂一般的稳定运送装置中向一项分配的控制策略的包罗万象研究描述方式被使分散毂。 物质的流程根据不能复归为传送毂已经被摘录而且延长的模型为在下面被学习而且评估的助理系统的发展设定基础。
不像在一个在中心受约束的运送装置系统中流程率和 decentrally 的传送时代的分配受约束的系统能在~之前实现被模拟决定。 由于他们的精确表现事件-不连续的材料流程模拟器是复杂运送装置系统的模拟 especiallysuitable 。 系统模型能容易地与预先配置样板的元素和程序一起发展被依照模型规划。 这一个规画在分岐包括工作路线排定而且在联接包括货物的序列人流程。 两者的计画部份可能是静止的或动态的。 静止的策略是在联接或 f ixed 简单的操作规则工作路线排定规则。 仰赖功能如此规则的数字被限制。动态的策略此外为了要能够对变动流程率产生反应 , 在植物成份中包括负荷状态的录音。
动态的, 也就是负荷- 适合的策略可能有在流程方面的重要效果率而且造成一个较好的系统行为胜于静止的策略。 然而, 资讯科技相当困难, 规划和
因为反复的模拟处理 arerequired 和基本的策略,所以以适合的策略实行模拟必须被适应达成被植物行为 [Bramel97] 最佳化的. 假使复杂的模型以很多的样板元素这需要广泛的改编和一个长的模拟时间 [Fowler04] 。

除了一件事件之外-不连续的即时做模型运送装置程序也能以一位置- 不连续的方式被表现。 在这表现中运送装置系统的区段被区分为 i 和可能被一个传送物体占领的 lk(k ∈ ) 的长度片段。 一个运送装置程序是那沿着片段同步化一个物体的移动。因为片段可能任意短表现能在位置和时间区域中是如精确的当做在一个事件- 不连续的模拟方面。 这一次运动的时间基础 T 是常数并且对于所有的片段同时地被实行。 运送装置速度片段 k 的 vk 是 Vk=Lk/t 。
