
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 14:21:38
Iridoviruses infect a wide variety of cultured fish [12, 26]. Most fish iridoviruses are members either of the genus Lymphocystivirus or of the genus
Ranavirus. While iridoviruses belonging to the genus Lymphocystivirus cause the development of clusters of extremely hypertrophied fibroblasts or osteoblasts
called lymphocystis cells, other iridoviruses belonging to the genus Ranavirus cause systemic disease in infected animals and are associated with high morbidity
and mortality [1, 5, 10, 11, 14, 17–19, 21]. However, sequence analysis of the MCP revealed the presence of fish iridoviruses which belong neither to the genus
Ranavirus nor to the genus Lymphocystivirus [9, 13]. In addition, genetic and phenotypic variants within iridovirus [7, 13, 25] suggest the possibility of the
presence of diverse variants within the fish iridoviruses.