
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/02 20:36:51
There is only one problem. Positive findings are scarce. Teachers looking for evidence whether group teaching, video tutorial of CAI is a more effective method will typically find answers like ‘there is no difference’ (Taverner et al., 2000). A recent review of 135 studies of technological interventions since 1928 identified that each and every study showed no significant effect on the outcome of interest(Russell, 2000). Even placebo type studies of teaching critical appraisal skills,where the control group received no relevant instruction, typically show small and non-significant effects (Norman and Shannon, 1997).
In short, abundant literature in a diversity of fields, shows that it makes little difference to student outcomes, in terms of test scores, whether teaching in higher education follows method X versus method Y. We should not be surprised at this finding. Already in 1968 Dubin and Taveggia reported on numerous published studies of comparative educational methods that reveal contradicting,disappointing results. They searched for research comparing lectures with group discussion (56 studies), supervised independent study with face-to-face instruction (74 studies), unsupervised independent study with face-to-face instruction (25studies), supervised with unsupervised independent study (12 studies). Studies in favor of one method were mostly balanced by a near equal number of studies in favor of the alternative method, if the results were standardized. The reviewers conclude that “no particular method of teaching is measurably to be preferred over another when evaluated by student examination performances” (Dubin and Taveggia, 1968).

只有一个问题。 积极的调查结果是难得的。 找寻证据的老师是否团体教学,CAI 的个别指导是一个比较有效的方法录象机将会典型地找像‘的答案没有不同'(酒馆 et al。,2000)。科技干涉的 135项研究的最近检讨自从 1928 以后识别了那每个和每项研究表示了没有在重要结果上的重要效果。 (罗素,2000)平坦的安慰类型教紧要关头的评价技术的研究,在控制团体没收到有关的指导地方, 典型地表示小的和非重要的效果。 (诺曼第人和 Shannon,1997)
简而言之,一种领域的不同丰富的文学,表示它有小的不同给学生结果,根据测试得分,是否在高等教育中教跟随我们应该不在这一个发现感到惊讶的方法 X 和方法 Y. 比较。 已经在 1968 Dubin 和 Taveggia 中在揭露反驳,令人失望的结果比较教育的方法很多的出版研究上报告。 他们寻找把演讲与团体讨论 (56项研究) 作比较的研究, 用面对面的指导 (74项研究) 监督中立派研究, 无人监督的中立派和面对面的指导 (25项研究) 的研究, 以无人监督的中立派研究 (12项研究) 监督。 支持一个方法的研究大概被一个研究的近相等数字平衡了支持其它可能的方法,如果结果被标准化。 书评人得出结论 " 没有教学的特别方法可以测定的程度是被偏爱在~之上另外的当评估的时候藉着学生考试表现".(Dubin 和 Taveggia,1968)