
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/04 23:19:52
4 How I want _______(B)
A a my own room B a room of my own
C a room of myself D my own’s a room
我就知道这个句式sth of one’s own = one’s own sth

5 What do you know_______for?(C)
A the strike was broken out B did the stike break out
C the strike broke out D was the strike broken out

D项应该改为my own room.但是这样改后,放在该句子也是不通顺的.这是属于所属结构的问题.C项应改为a room of mine.还有当有了形容词性物主代词时,就不再用不定冠词啊.所以A选项出了一个不定冠词a.

break out.突然爆发,是不能用于被动的.所以A项是错误的.

是sth of one’s own = one’s own sth 而不是one own's sth
第二道题是因为break out 没有被动语态~~~~