
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/08 19:38:59
-Well, uh, uh--|-What is it?
Why, i-it's a girl!
She's mighty pretty.
She's beautiful.|Just like a angel.
Angel, hah!|She's a female!
And all females is poison!|They're full of wicked wiles!
I don't know,|but I'm "agin" 'em.
Shh! Not so loud.|You'll wake her up.
Aw, let her wake up!|She don't belong here nohow!
Look out. She's movin'.
-She's wakin' up.|-What do we do?
Oh, dear!
I wonder if the children are--
Why--Why, you're little men.
How do you do?
I said, "How do you do"?
How do ya do what?
Oh, you can talk.|I'm so glad.
Now, don't tell me who you are.|Let me guess.
I know, you're Doc.
Why-- Why--|Why, yes! Yes! That's true.
And you're--|You're Bashful.
Oh, gosh!
And, you? You're Sleepy.
How'd you guess?
-And you?|-Ah--
Ah-- Ah-- Ah--
You're Sneezy.
-Yes, and you must be--|-Happy, ma'am. That's me.
And this is Dopey.|He don't talk none.
-You mean he can't talk?|-He don't know. He never tried.
Oh, that's too bad.
Oh, you must be Grumpy.
Oh, yeah.
Hah!|We know who we are.
Ask her who she is|and what she's a-doin' here!
Hmph! Yes! What are you|and who are you doin'?
Uh, uh, what are you--|Uh, who are you, my dear?
Oh, how silly of me.|I'm Snow White.
-Snow White? The Princess?|-Yes.
Well, my dear Quincess--
Uh, Princess. We're, uh--|We're honored. Yes, we're--
-Mad as hornets!|-"Mad as hornets!"|No, no, we're not!
We're bad as cornets--|No, no, as bad as--|What was I sayin'?
Nothin'! Just standin' there|sputterin' like a doodlebug!
Who's butterin' like|a spoodledug? Who's uh, uh--
Aw, shut up!|And tell her to git out!
Please, don't send me away.|If you do, she'll kill me.
-Kill you?|-Who will?|-Yes, who?
-My stepmother, the Queen.|-The Queen!
-She's wicked.|-She's bad.
-She's mighty mean.|-She's an old witch! I'm warnin' ya!
If the Queen finds her here,|she'll swoop down...
and wreak|her vengeance on us!
But she doesn't|know where I am.
She don't, huh?|She knows everything.
She's full of black magic.
She can even make|herself invisible. Pfft!
Might be in this room right now.
Oh, she'll never find me here.
And if you let me stay,|I'll keep house for you.
I'll wash, I'll cook...
Can ya make dapple lumpkins--|Uh, lumple dapplins--
Apple dumplings!
Ah, yes!|Crapple dumpkins.
Yes, and plum pudding|and gooseberry pie--
Gooseberry pie?|Hurray! She stays!
Ah! Soup!
Uh, uh, uh, just a minute.
Supper's not quite ready.|You'll just have time to wash.
Hah! Knew there's a catch to it!
-Why wash?|-What for? We ain't goin' nowhere.
'Tain't New Year.
Oh, perhaps|you have washed.
Perhaps we--
But when?
When? Uh, when?|Uh, you said, "When?"
Why, last week-- uh, month--|year-- Why, recently.
}Yes, recently.
Let me see your hands.
Let me see your hands.
Why, Doc, I'm surprised.
Oh, Bashful, my, my, my!
And you? Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Worse than I thought.
How shocking.
Tsk, tsk, tsk!


