金素丽 宋茜 青春不败:since作为原因讲的用法?

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/05 16:16:30

7. since可以作“既然”讲,引导原因状语从句:Why do people come to his lectures since he is difficult to understand? 既然他的话很难听懂,为什么大家还要来听他的学术报告呢?
[讲与评] 在句型“It’s + 一段时间 + since从句 ”中,since引起时间状语从句中的谓语既可以用一时性动词,也可以用持续性动词,但两种句子意思迥然不同,例如:
It’s two years since he joined the League. 他入团已经两年了。
It’s two years since he was a League member. 他退团已经两年了。

1. 用作介词,意思是“从……以来;自从”,常与完成时连用。 I haven't heard from her since last year. 自去年以来我没有收到她的来信。
2. 用作副词,意思是“从那时以来”。
I saw him last year, but we haven't met since. 我在去年见到过他,从那以后我们就没有见面。 C&g {:]#B

3. 用作连词,意思是“从……以来;由于;既然”等。 He has been ill since I saw him last. 从上次我见他以来,他一直在生病。
Since you have finished the work, let's go to the park. 既然你已把工作做完了,我们去公园吧。


The fisherman said,“Since I must die, I must... ” 渔夫说:“既然我非死不可,那我就死好了……”

①在现在完成时中,since后接时间点或从句,而for只接时间段,可以说since 1999, since six o'clock, since we came here last year; for two days, for a long time, for a week等,但不能说成since two years, for last week等。

②在“It is+some time+since-从句(过去时)”结构中,用“It is...”比用“It has been...”更为常用。而且在该结构中since-从句不能用否定式。比较: It's long time since you didn't come to see me. (×) It's long time since you came to see me. (√)
He is here since five o'clock. (×)
He has been here since five o'clock. (√) I
It's a long time since breakfast. 早饭之后已有多时了。

Ever since then, the bat comes out only at night. 从那时起,蝙蝠只在晚间出来。

since表示原因时,语气比because弱,表示的原因是对方已知的,所说明的有时不是根本的或直接的原因,是附带的原因,一般把它译成“既然;鉴于”。since引导的从句往往放在主句之前。例如:The fisherman said,“Since I must die, I must... ” 渔夫说:“既然我非死不可,那我就死好了……”

I won't blame(责怪) you, since it has happened.

I've been studying hard since last exam.