
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/06 14:42:58
( Part Ⅱ )
Tian: OK. One minute has passed. Now you have about 1 minute.. 1minute and 30 second to give.. give your speech.
Zhu: Okay. Um.. Well, today I’m here to talk about.. eh.. the most eh.. impressing scenery I have ever seen. Eh.. it is called ‘MeiHua Shan’. ( Cleaning ) Um.. ‘MeiHua Shan’, en.. This Chi.. Chinese cha(racter).. eh.. phrase is about a shan --- a mountain which is eh.. full of trees with a kind of flower. The flower is.. en.. the symbol of Nanjing City. Um.. The.. th.. eh.. the flowers bloom at eh.. in spring. ( Cleaning ) Eh.. and eh.. it is.. it is.. it is.. eh.. a brilliant scenery. Eh.. I think eh.. um.. the first time I went to it.. eh.. was when I was eh.. about 10 years old, eh.. when me and my parents eh.. went there for a eh.. for a journey. Um.. it is eh.. located in the eastern part of the city. Eh.. ( Cleaning ) the reason why I li.. like it very much eh.. was because --- eh.. is because first eh.. eh.. I like its trees and flowers. Um.. the trees are so.. are so many that eh.. en.. they covered every are(a).. area of this.. o.. of this.. eh… this.. eh.. place. Eh.. secondly, I think the environment is good, also. Um. You can relax and eh.. have a good fun. Everytime I feel tired eh.. f.. from work or study, I would go there. Eh.. um, and eh.. at last I think eh.. it is a historical.. historical place, eh in which you can find many.. en.. his(torical).. many old buildings and.. other
attracting eh.. attracting scenery. OK. ( Cleaning )

