
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/05 15:41:18
People love to say, "If we break down, the machine breaks down." That is probably the truest quote or saying that you will ever hear. It goes for everything, for example in school the students have to make certain grades to keep the school up to par. In sports the players have to keep providing an competitive and professional edge to keep the fans coming back. If those things don't happen the machine does indeed break down and it breaks down very violently.

人们总爱说,要是我们倒下了 那么那些机器也会倒下 .这很有可能是我们所曾经听过的最真实的引用或者谚语.这句谚语适合很多地方.比如,在学校学生不得不做些努力去保持自己达到同一等级不落后.在体育中.运动员不得不提供一个竞争性和专业性的优势去让fans们回来.如果那些事情没有发生那么机器一定会倒下,并且很快的倒下.可能翻的不好 请见量