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speech act theory and its application in chinese efl classroom

  to learn a language is to learn how to communicate in
  that language. but in daily communication with native
  speakers, many chinese learners of english fail to use english
  tactfully or appropriately. this article intends to analyze
  some basic principles of speech act theory and their
  application in efl classroom. it is concluded that in foreign
  language teaching, teachers should try to foster learners’
  linguistic competence and pragmatic competence as well.
  key words:speech act,cross cultural communication,pragmatic
  in our daily life, it seems that we live in a world of
  speeches, because we keep producing “speech acts”. we have the
  linguistic competence. but it doesn't mean we have the
  communicative competence in that language. communicative
  competence is made up three component parts: linguistic
  competence, pragmatic competence and cognitive and affective
  traditionally, in teaching english as a foreign language
  (efl), the form of english has been emphasized in the efl
  classroom. it results in the fact that students with good
  mastery of english forms fail to communicate in english
  appropriately. here is an example:
  a foreign guest remarked to a chinese interpreter, a young
  lady who had graduated not long ago from a university:
  foreign guest: your english is excellent. really quite fluent.
  chinese lady: no, no. my english is quite poor.
  the foreign guest felt a bit puzzled. the foreign guest
  meant to express his appreciation. in response to this
  appreciation, the chinese lady should follow some cooperative
  principles by saying “thanks”. but her reply violated the
  quality maxim of cooperative principles (grice, 1975). as a
  result this conversation can’t go on.
  the failure in the communication mentioned above is
  just an example. in cross-cultural communication, when we
  speak a foreign language, though our grammar may be correct,
  we cannot speak it tactfully and appropriately just because of
  cultural differences. so in foreign language teaching, it is
  very important to help the students understand the speech acts
  and the cultural difference between source language and target
  language. hence in teaching efl in the chinese context,
  communicative approach takes priority though the forms are
  important as well.
  speech acts theory
  speech acts theory makes great contribution to cross-cultural
  communication. the theory was initiated by the philosopher,
  j.l. austin in 1962. in his book austin’s initial distinction
  is between constative and performative utterances (speech). a
  constative one is an utterance which roughly serves to state a
  fact, report that something is the case, or describe what
  something is. performative utterances, on the other hand, are
  those that have three characteristics: (a) they are performed
  in saying something; (b) they cannot be performed unless
  language is used; (c) they have connected with them
  performative verbs the occurrence of which as a main verb in a
  present tense, indicative, active, a first person sentence
  marks explicit what act a speaker intends to be performing in
  uttering the sentence. austin suggests that statements are
  merely one kind of speech act, that any statements, if only
  they are uttered in appropriate circumstances, may be regarded
  as implicit performatives. this leads to his new account: any
  speech act comprises at least two and typically three,
  sub-acts: locutionary act, illocutionary act and
  perlocutionary act. according to austin, the locutionary act
  “includes the utterance of certain noises, the utterance of
  certain words in a certain construction and the utterance of
  them with a certain ‘meaning’” (austin, 1962: 94). in other
  words, it is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of
  syntax, lexicon and extra-linguistic knowledge. as austin
  puts it, the illocutionary act can be regarded as the force
  with which the sentence was employed. “saying something will
  often, or even normally, produce certain consequential effects
  upon the feelings, thoughts, or actions of the audience, or of
  the speaker, or of other persons…. we shall call the
  performance of an act of this kind the performance of a
  perlocutionary act or perlocution” (austin, 1962: 101).
  perlocutionary act is the consequence of, or the change
  brought about by, the utterance. j. searle (1969) improved
  this speech act theory by introducing indirect speech act
  theory. he argues that, where a certain force is part of the
  meaning, where the meaning uniquely determines a particular
  force, these are not two different acts but two different
  labels for the same act, and he reached the conclusion that
  there are only illocutionary acts. searle holds that (1) the
  basic linguistic unit is not a sign, but a speech act; (2)
  speech acts are controlled by two types of rules: regulative
  rules (dynamic rules for performing illocutionary acts in
  communication) and constitutive rules (basic rules recognized
  as for performing utterance and prepositional acts).
  “in contrast to austin, who focused his attention on how
  speakers realize their intentions in speaking, searle focuses
  on how listeners response to utterances, that is how one
  person tries to figure out how another is using a particular
  utterance. what we can see in both austin and searle is a
  recognition that people use language to achieve a variety of
  objectives. if we want to understand what they hope to
  accomplish, we must be prepared to take into account factors
  that range far beyond the actual linguistic form of any
  particular utterance” (r. wardhaugh, 1998:285).
  on the basis of the speech act theory, some linguists have
  developed theories on word meaning and conversational
  implicaure. grice (1975) develops his remarkable theory of
  conversational implicatures. in any conversation, only certain
  kinds of “moves” are possible at any particular time because
  of the constraints that operate to govern exchanges. these
  constraints limit speakers as to what they can say and
  listeners as to what they can infer. grice calls the
  overriding principles in conversation “cooperative
  principles”: “make your conversational contribution such as is
  required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted
  purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are
  engaged.” (grice, 1975: p45). he lists four maxims that follow
  from the cooperative principle: quantity, quality, relation
  and manner. the most important cooperative principle in human
  communication is linguistic politeness put forward by leech
  (1983). he holds in communication, participants should follow
  the politeness principle of tact maxim, generosity maxim,
  modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim.
  but different cultures have different value of politeness and
  have different expressions in their speech acts. these
  differences may lead to pragmatic failure in cross-cultural
  cross-cultural communications
  communication is dynamic, interactive and irreversible.
  it usually includes the following components: behavioral
  source, encoding, message, channel, responder, decoding,
  response and feedback. successful communication involves the
  participants mutual understanding and tactful and appropriate
  verbal exchanges. but the communication between people from
  different cultural background can more easily go wrong than
  that from the same culture, because
  “many of the meanings and understandings, at the level of
  ongoing processes of interpretation of speaker’s intent,
  depend upon culturally specific conventions, so that much of
  the meaning in any encounter is indirect and implicit. the
  ability to expose enough of the implicit meaning to make for a
  satisfactory encounter between strangers or culturally
  different speakers requires communicative flexibility”
  (gumperz and cook-gumperz, 1982, p14).
  foreign language learners need to develop this communicative
  flexibility, this ability to cross cultural boundaries.
  different cultures have different expressions in their speech
  acts. in cross-cultural communication, any utterances can be
  interpreted to have illocutionary speech acts. however, when
  we want to translate an utterance with a certain illocutionary
  act into another language, there may be various kinds of
  interpretations. the illocutionary force of the utterance may
  be diminished. for example, “你吃了吗?”(ni chi le ma? “have you
  eaten?”), “你上那儿去?” (ni shang na’er qu? “where are you
  going?”). these utterances have the illocutionary speech acts
  of greeting in the chinese context. but if one asks american
  friends the same questions, the original illocutionary force
  doesn’t exist. the american friends may feel confused at this
  w. barnett pearce (1994) analyzes the differences of
  the performative speech acts (especial in different cultures):
  (a) differences in coverage of speech acts that people can
  perform. for example, the remark “you have a lovely wife” is
  regarded natural and highly appreciated by westerners, but in
  the chinese context it would be regarded indecent. (b)
  differences in the diversity of speech acts. for example,
  people from one culture may express “i love you” in various
  ways, while people from another culture may express in only
  one or two ways. (c) differences in rules of performing speech
  act. in some western countries, it is very common to make
  promise by swearing to god, but in other countries, it may be
  regarded insincere. (d) differences in the acceptance of new
  message. (e) differences in attitude to the conversation.
  doctors are sensitive to patients’ intentional runaround while
  some people pay little attention to speakers’ intention.
  obviously, we have to overcome these differences to master the
  ability of speech acts in order to achieve successful
  communication. however, it is very difficult to define the
  illocutionary force of speech acts, thus the problem is how to
  deal with it to serve for efl teaching effectively. olshtain
  and cohen offer the term “speech act set” to refer to a single
  function with a set of structures beyond that of the single
  utterance, differing from a speech act (single utterance
  functions) and a speech event (a conversation, a lecture,
  etc.). olshtain and cohen suggest that speech acts be studied
  as sets of formulas, which perform the same function by
  referring to the speech act of apology as an example of
  analysis. for example, when the offender is positively
  inclined to apologize, the steps of the formulas may be: step
  one: an expression of an apology (“i’m sorry.” “please forgive
  me”, etc.); step two: an explanation or account of the
  situation (“i was caught in the rain.”); step three: an
  acknowledgment of responsibility (“it’s my fault.”); step
  four: a promise of non-recurrence (“i will never be late
  again.”), etc.
  the study of speech acts and the sets of formulas are very
  useful in cross-cultural communication, because different
  cultures, even different communities in the same culture have
  different rules in performing the speech acts. so sets of
  formulas of speech acts are important for foreign language
  learners to perform appropriate communication.
  speech acts vary in cultures, gender, occupation, etc.,
  which causes great difficulties in our daily communication. it
  is very important for foreign language learners to understand
  the cultural differences between the source language and the
  target language. how to help learners to develop this
  communicative ability in classroom setting? is it possible to
  conduct an effective pedagogical approach in efl teaching in
  nonnative background? this is a challenge to traditional way
  of foreign language teaching.
  communicative approach in teaching efl
  teaching efl in the chinese context is traditionally
  related to the form of english (phonological, grammar and
  vocabulary), which a person needs to know about in his
  communication. “but a knowledge of the form (even when that
  knowledge is perfect) does not enable a person to communicate”
  (li, 1987). any language course should aim to help the
  students acquire not just knowledge of the form but
  communicative competence. communicative competence in english
  is made up of three component parts: linguistic competence,
  pragmatic competence, and cognitive and affective capacity.
  traditional english course focus only on one dimension of the
  communicative competence, ignoring the other two. the
  structuralists believe that “teachers should teach the
  language, not about the language” (j. c. richards & t. s.
  rodgers, 1986). on the ‘stimulus-response’ basis, they claim
  that foreign language learning is a mechanical habit-formation
  process. by doing pattern drills and reciting dialogues, the
  learners are expected to minimize the chances of making
  mistakes so that they can form a good habit. typical pattern
  drills include : “ask me if i have seen any movies lately”,
  “ask me who the screenwriter is”. the students respond
  grammatical correctly: “have you seen any movies lately?”,
  “who is the screenwriter?” (yang, 1998)
  yet, language is not just words and grammar. there is always
  content when people communicate. “in fact, language is best
  learnt when it is a medium for learning some other subject or
  an exchange for affective or humanistic purposes” (li, 1987).
  students are human beings. they have their cognitive and
  affective capacity.
  pragmatic competence (the use of language) is also neglected
  in traditional and structuralist language courses. actually,
  this competence “enables students to know how different
  communicative functions are realized in english, and who can
  say what to whom, how, when, why, under what circumstances and
  in what context” ( li, 1987).
  in efl classroom of the chinese context, teachers should help
  the learners to develop the communicative competence from the
  dimensions of linguistic competence, communicative competence
  and cognitive and affective capability. while teaching the
  knowledge of forms of english, teachers should also provide
  information about the usage of english language. for example,
  the utterance “sit down please” has the illocutionary force of
  command. it’s improper to address to a visiting foreign guest.
  instead, the chinese host should make another utterance with
  the illocutionary acts of invitation, such as “please take a
  seat” or “be seated please”. in order to learn standard,
  decent and universal english, efl learners should be exposed
  to “authentic language” (li, 1984) of english. “authentic
  language” is the language that a person uses in real life to
  achieve communicative purposes. let’s look at the following
  billy: excuse me, miss, could you please tell me if this is
  the way to the business department?