shelby chesnes 磁力:Diskeeper总弹出这样的对话框是什么意思啊

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 10:46:11
diskeeper has detected that CHKDSK is scheduled to run on the volume:SYSTEM(C:) That is due to either a user request,or because the operating system has found errors in the file system found error in the file system .CHKDSK will run automatically during the nest system reboot .until CHKDSK is run ,Diskeeper cannot defragnent this rolume

Diskeeper检测到 CHKDSK (磁盘检查程序)将计划在C盘上运行,这是由于:或者是用户的要求,或者是操作系统检查到系统错误。CHKDSK会在下次系统启动的时候运行。除非运行CHKDSK,否则Diskeeper无法在该磁盘上运行碎片整理程序。

就是说CHKDSK(硬盘错误扫描)在你下次启动 windows时会自动启动 因为你的硬盘上可能有文件错误 在硬盘错误扫描进行之前 Diskeeper 无法整理这个分区(C:)的磁盘碎片