大张伟快乐大本营2015:怎么翻译这一句话? 不胜感激

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 13:51:11
About half the MAORI party head straight for the shoreline where an older woman loudly organises a pipi collection.


Pipi是毛利语,类似蛏, 澳大利亚东部海滩的一种小型有壳软体动物. The pipi (Plebidonax deltoides) is a small mollusc native to eastern Australia. They live a couple of centimetres beneath the sand. Pipi shells are usually around 2-5 cm on either side. Inside the shells there is a living creature with a tongue about 7 cm long. When you are at the beach if you go to the wet sand and twist your foot around you may find a shell. This is most likely to be a Pipi.

MAORI: 毛利人

party: 这里指"共同活动的一团人,一夥人,一行人"

About half the MAORI party head straight for the shoreline where an older woman loudly organises a pipi collection.

约有一半的毛利人(团队)直奔海滩, 有个上了年纪的妇人在那儿大声嚷嚷着组织大家捡蛏贝.


